• Vienna Center for VLBI

    The Vienna Center for VLBI is a joint effort by TU Wien and Austria’s Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV).


  • Geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry

    Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is a microwave-based technique that evolved from radio astronomy in the early 1970s. Nowadays, VLBI is a major space-geodetic technique, indispensable for geodesy.

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  • Unique Geodetic Products

    VLBI delivers unique geodetic products that play indispensable roles for science and society.


  • Where are we?

    VLBI uniquely contributes to the most precise and stable reference frames, which are fundamental for numerous applications – from navigation to global change monitoring.


  • Precise timing!

    VLBI is the only operational technique to determine the Universal Time UT1 that reflects the Earth’s rotation behavior. Precisely knowing this parameter is essentiual for navigation systems, such as ESA’s Galileo.


  • Extragalactic benchmarks

    Bright radio sources located at the edge of the universe – billions of light-years from Earth – serve as ultra-stable benchmarks that are observed by VLBI.


Scheduling: generating highly sophisticated VLBI observation schedules

Our new scheduling software VieSched++ smoothly connects observation planning with simulations to generate the best schedules for your specific purposes.

Scheduling Center

Correlation: Processing raw data records to derive delay observables

The VSC has the capacities to process vast amounts of raw observation data. The derived quantities are the basis for geodetic parameter estimation.

Correlation Center

Analysis: Estimation of geodetic products

Using our in-house software suite VieVS for the analysis of VLBI sessions gives us great flexibility at estimating high quality geodetic parameters.

Analysis Center

Latest News

IVS Newsletter online

IVS Newsletter online

Do not miss the December 2020 issue of the IVS Newsletter! @IVS_OOC It features the Celestial Reference Frame with great…

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Saying goodbye to Matthias

Saying goodbye to Matthias

Matthias will leave TU Wien with the end of September 2020, starting at ETH Zürich (Space Geodesy group of Benedikt…

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Welcome Frederic at TU Wien

Welcome Frederic at TU Wien

We are very glad to have a new member in the Vienna VLBI group: Frederic Jaron. He is an experienced…

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Team Members

Frédéric Jaron

Postdoc Researcher

Hana Krásná

Senior Scientist

Axel Nothnagel


Lisa Kern

Student Assistant

Markus Mikschi

Student Assistant

Sigrid Böhm

Senior Scientist

Helene Wolf

Student Assistant

Jakob Gruber


David Mayer


Anna Zessner-Spitzenberg

Student Assistant