Vienna VLBI Group at REFAG 2022
- Post by: Lisa Kern
- 2022-11-09
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In the week of 17 to 20 October 2022, the IAG International Symposium on Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG) took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. There have been four contributions from the Vienna VLBI group1 and one from the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV)2:
- Adjustment of orbital elements of Galileo satellite arcs with simulated VLBI observations (presentation, Helene Wolf1 et al.)
- The importance of accurate a priori information for VLBI Intensive sessions (presentation, Lisa Kern1 et al.)
- Earth orientation parameters determined from Very Long Baseline Array experiments conducted at K-band (24 GHz) (poster, Hana Krasna1 et al.)
- Celestial reference frame determined from very long baseline interferometry experiments conducted at K-band (24 GHz) over the past 10 years (poster, Hana Krasna1 et al.)
- The Vienna VLBI contribution to the ITRF2020 (poster, David Mayer2 et al.)
More information on the REFAG2022, including abstracts and presentations, can be found here.
Categories: Conference