Session Notes for rd1005 Prepared by K. Baver, NVI, Inc./GSFC Schedule date: 2010-June-29 In 2009, four R&D sessions, RD0907 through RD0910, tested a proposed, new strategy for scheduling the IVS-INT01 sessions that provide rapid, preliminary UT1 estimates. The purpose of the proposed strategy was to improve the precision of these estimates. In 2010, a second series of R&D sessions will supplement the initial testing of the strategy. Details are given below. The new series started with RD1002, and RD1005 is the fourth session in the series. (RD1001 was slated to be the first session in the new series, but due to a scheduling error, it produced data consistent with the first series instead of the second). We divide the six stations in this session into two subnets which are scheduled independently: 1.) The first subnet is the intensive network of Kokee-Wettzell. This will start at 19:41, after the conclusion of the IVS-INT01 session on June 29, and end at 17:41 on June 30. (The end time is 11 minutes past the official end of RD1005, by special arrangement.) 2.) The second subnet is NyAlesund, Onsala, Tigo, and Tsukuba. This runs from 17:30 on June 29 to 17:30 on June 30. The Kokee-Wettzell network is scheduled as a series of 22 consecutive, independent intensives using alternating strategies. A) STANDARD INTENSIVES. The intensives that start within even hours (e.g., 20:41, 22:41, 00:41... etc) are scheduled using the standard intensive sources and scheduling strategy. B) TEST INTENSIVES. The intensives that start within odd hours (e.g., 19:41, 21:41, 23:41, 01:41, ... etc) are scheduled using an enlarged source list. Unlike 24 hour sessions, which can observe the whole sky, intensives can observe only a small slice of the sky, and this slice varies depending on when the intensive starts and the time of the year. Because of this, the results from the sessions might depend on what part of the sky is observed. In the first series of R&D sessions, RD0907 through RD0910, and RD1001, the start times were chosen so that the intensives would be consistent between sessions. The STANDARD INTENSIVES always looked at a part of the sky sampled by STANDARD INTENSIVES in other sessions. The TEST INTENSIVES looked at a part of the sky observed by TEST INTENSIVES in other sessions. To control for the fact that each of the STANDARD and TEST INTENSIVE series observed only half of the sky in the previous series, we swap things around in the new series (RD1002 through RD1005). Each STANDARD INTENSIVE will observe a slice of the sky previously observed by a TEST INTENSIVE, and vice-versa. The four station network observes independently and serves as an independent external check on EOP. The GSFC analysis center will analyze the 22 pseudo intensive sessions with a view towards determining if one of the scheduling strategies is better in terms of things like: lower formal errors; better agreement with independent measures of UT1; and robustness of the schedule. The schedule uses the standard R1 256 data-rate. =========================================================== ----- Parameter listing -------------------------------------- Experiment: RD1005 Description R&D-05 2010. Intensive test Scheduler: NASA Correlator: TBD Start: 2010-180-17:30:00 End: 2010-181-17:41:00 Current yyyyddd: 2010180 (2010.49) ( 15377 MJD, TUES 29JUN.) Greenwich sidereal time: 12: 0: 0.00 (17:30: 0 UT) Sun's RA and DEC: 6h 34.2m 23d 12.2 =========================================================== First observations Observation listing from file ./rd1005.skd for experiment RD1005 Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Kk Ny On Tc Ts Wz 0552+398 10180-173000| 112 194 194 | 0716+714 10180-173409| 31 31 30 | 1606+106 10180-173643| 30 30 30 | 0059+581 10180-173844| 30 30 30 | 3C418 10180-174008| 90 90 30 | 1923+210 10180-174228| 30 96 96 | 1040+244 10180-174546| 419 500 500 | 0912+029 10180-175502| 500 500 500 | 1149-084 10180-180416| 270 270 | 1300+580 10180-180418| 30 30 | . . . 0016+731 10180-194100| 47 47| 0955+476 10180-194242| 81 81| OJ287 10180-194439| 68 382 382 | OJ287 10180-194444| 120 120| 0552+398 10180-194635| 30 30 | 0529+483 10180-194730| 113 113| 0307+380 10180-194749| 54 54 | 0059+581 10180-194929| 30 30 | 1357+769 10180-195012| 89 89| End of listing. =========================================================== Last observations Observation listing from file ./rd1005.skd for experiment RD1005 Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Kk Ny On Tc Ts Wz 0059+581 10181-171253| 30 30 30 | 2229+695 10181-171407| 111 111 74 | 0642+449 10181-171559| 40 40| 0552+398 10181-171715| 40 40| 0912+029 10181-171738| 500 500 500 | 0804+499 10181-171831| 200 200| 0642+449 10181-172227| 40 40| 0552+398 10181-172343| 40 40| 0059+581 10181-172519| 57 57| 0749+540 10181-172702| 200 200| 0716+714 10181-172711| 31 31 30 | 0552+398 10181-173058| 40 40| 0642+449 10181-173214| 40 40| 0059+581 10181-173347| 57 57| 0804+499 10181-173533| 200 200| 0552+398 10181-173929| 40 40| End of listing. =========================================================== SKED Summary from file ./rd1005.skd for experiment RD1005 (all scans with at least one subnet station) Average number of obs. per baseline per source(normalized by up-time) = 2.6 Min = 0.0 Max = 80.0 (Baseline Kk-Wz on 3C274 ) RMS = 8.1 Total time: 1450 minutes ( 24.2 hours). Key: Kk=KOKEE Ny=NYALES20 On=ONSALA60 Tc=TIGO Ts=TSUKUB32 Wz=WETTZELL Kk Ny On Tc Ts Wz Avg % obs. time: 60 60 63 45 28 60 53 % cal. time: 6 4 4 1 3 6 4 % slew time: 19 21 24 3 13 11 15 % idle time: 14 14 8 50 55 22 28 total # scans: 534 387 363 109 292 534 369 # scans/hour : 22 16 15 5 12 22 15 Avg scan (sec): 98 135 152 360 83 98 153 # data tracks: 16 16 16 16 16 16 # Mk5 tracks: 16 16 16 16 16 16 Total GBytes: 1877 1884 1981 1414 872 1877 1651 Total GB(M5): 1669 1675 1761 1257 775 1669 1467 # of tapes : 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 tape change times (hhmm): Total number of tapes: 6.0 Total GBytes (M5) recorded: 8804.9 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Kk Ny On Tc Ts Wz StnTotal ---------------------------------------- Kk| 0 0 0 0 534 534 Ny| 346 72 252 0 670 On| 70 225 0 641 Tc| 36 0 178 Ts| 0 513 Wz| 534 Number of 2-station scans: 686 Number of 3-station scans: 281 Number of 4-station scans: 1 Number of 5-station scans: 0 Number of 6-station scans: 0 Total # of scans, observations: 968 1535 ===========================================================