+HEADER CORREL WACO DATABASE 18OCT26XU SESSNAME I18299 OBSTIME 2018/10/26 UTSTART 1845 DURATION 1 DOY 299 CORRTIME 2018/10/29 CORRPASS 1 EXPORT Done. +SUMMARY Qcode % of Total % of Correlated scans scans 5-9 69% 69% 0 12% 12% 1-4,A-H,N 19% 19% Removed 0% Qcodes 7-9 Correlated 69% Qcode N Not Correlated 19% +CORRELATOR_NOTES “The vgosDb for this session is available at http://rorf.usno.navy.mil/vgosDb/2018/18OCT26XU.tgz” Wettzell (Wz) has started I18299 late, had a problem with the MK5-System! Lost scans from the beginning to 19:3 Lost scans from the beginning to 19:30. Scan 299-1936: FQ = 0 on S -Band due to low SNR from source NGC6251 Scan 299-1936: FQ = 0 on X -Band due to low SNR from source NGC6251 Scan 299-1911: FQ = 0 on X -Band due to low SNR from source 1300+580 Scan 299-1856: FQ = 0 on X -Band due to low SNR from source 0415+398 +STATION_NOTES KOKEE (Kk/K): Ok. WETTZELL (Wz/V): Clock break at 299-1932. +DROP_CHANNELS +MANUAL_PCAL +CHANNELS Channels: XR1U = band|polarization|BBC#|sideband XR1U/L BBC01 8182.99 XR2U BBC02 8222.99 XR3U BBC03 8422.99 XR4U BBC04 8562.99 XR5U BBC05 8682.99 XR6U BBC06 8782.99 XR7U BBC07 8842.99 XR8U/L BBC08 8862.99 SR1U BBC09 2212.99 SR2U BBC10 2222.99 SR3U BBC11 2257.99 SR4U BBC12 2297.99 SR5U BBC13 2317.99 SR6U BBC14 2322.99 +CLOCKS Clocks: WACO Station fmout-gps Used rate Comments [usec] [usec] [sec/sec] Kk 5.419 6.12 0.000e+00 Wz -3.781 999998.85 0.000e+00 Reference Wz - -1.15 0.000e+00 Clock break at 299-1932 Date: 2018/10/26 18:45:00 +QCODES Qcod 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H N - Tot -------------------------------------------------- KV:X 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 16 KV:S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 16 -------------------------------------------------- Tot 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 32 QC = 0 Fringes not detected. = 1-9 Fringes detected, no error condition. Higher #, better quality. = B Interpolation error in fourfit. = D No data in one or more frequency channels. = E Maximum fringe amplitude at edge of SBD, MBD, or rate window. = F "Fork" problem in processing. = G Fringe amp in a channel is <.5 times mean amp (only if SNR>20). = H Low Phase-cal amplitude in one or more channels. = N No valid correlator data. Tot Total number of scans in schedule. Minus Scans in original schedule file for which correlation was not attempted, usually because of known station problems. +SNR_RATIOS MEAN RATIOS = Observed SNR / Predicted SNR for exp no. 7982 ...by baseline, over all sources: bl X n S n KV 1.18 10 1.02 12 ....by source: 0716+714 bl X n S n all 1.03 1 1.20 1 KV 1.03 1 1.20 1 1606+106 bl X n S n all 0.00 0 0.00 0 KV 0.00 0 0.00 0 DA426 bl X n S n all 0.00 0 0.00 0 KV 0.00 0 0.00 0 0415+398 bl X n S n all 0.00 0 0.73 1 KV 0.00 0 0.73 1 3C371 bl X n S n all 0.61 1 0.67 1 KV 0.61 1 0.67 1 1418+546 bl X n S n all 0.85 2 1.06 2 KV 0.85 2 1.06 2 1639+230 bl X n S n all 1.30 1 0.88 1 KV 1.30 1 0.88 1 1300+580 bl X n S n all 0.00 0 0.86 1 KV 0.00 0 0.86 1 1636+473 bl X n S n all 2.18 1 1.08 1 KV 2.18 1 1.08 1 0738+491 bl X n S n all 0.85 1 1.08 1 KV 0.85 1 1.08 1 0552+398 bl X n S n all 1.91 1 1.23 1 KV 1.91 1 1.23 1 0613+570 bl X n S n all 1.31 1 1.17 1 KV 1.31 1 1.17 1 NGC6251 bl X n S n all 0.00 0 0.00 0 KV 0.00 0 0.00 0 0529+483 bl X n S n all 0.96 1 1.27 1 KV 0.96 1 1.27 1 ......by baseline, by source: baseline KV source X n S n --all-- 1.18 10 1.02 12 0716+714 1.03 1 1.20 1 1606+106 0.00 0 0.00 0 DA426 0.00 0 0.00 0 0415+398 0.00 0 0.73 1 3C371 0.61 1 0.67 1 1418+546 0.85 2 1.06 2 1639+230 1.30 1 0.88 1 1300+580 0.00 0 0.86 1 1636+473 2.18 1 1.08 1 0738+491 0.85 1 1.08 1 0552+398 1.91 1 1.23 1 0613+570 1.31 1 1.17 1 NGC6251 0.00 0 0.00 0 0529+483 0.96 1 1.27 1 +FOURFIT_CONTROL_FILE * * 4fit control file for I18299 * sb_win -256.0 256.0 mb_win -256.0 256.0 dr_win -300.e-4 300.e-4 pc_mode multitone pc_period 5 if f_group X ref_freq 8220.99 if f_group S ref_freq 2222.99 if station K lsb_offset -40.0 if station V lsb_offset 0.0 * Roxanne +ED