Starting generation of Calibration File FS version = 0009.0011.0008 time_zero = 3949200 Found #9 errors of type = ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded Found #8 errors of type = ERROR m5 -900 : Already off Found #8 errors of type = ERROR m5 -906 MARK5 return code 6: inconsistent or conflicting request Found #4 errors of type = ERROR bo -124 No (scan_name ...) observation starting at a future time found in schedule. Found #3 errors of type = ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! Found these BBCs: NBBC: 0 Found these RX parameters: 00(front) 01(rear) 02(lo) RX1 min= 19.59 max= 25.94 RX2 min= 27.77 max= 35.71 RX3 min= 40.72 max= 47.43 Plotting 0 Tsys channels: Tsys values are: -1 1 2 etc NTSYS: 0