+HEADER CORREL   BONN DATABASE 18OCT22XK SESSNAME Q18295 OBSTIME  2018/10/22 2018/10/22 UTSTART  0700 DURATION 1 DOY      295 CORRTIME 2018/10/22 CORRPASS 1 EXPORT   DONE   +SUMMARY  Qcode      % of Total   % of Correlated                 scans          scans         5-9            47%            94%    0              -             1%    0              0%             1%  1-4,A-H,N        3%             6%  Removed         50%             - +CORRELATOR_NOTES Applied notch filters to Wn-Wz baseline. Can now be used for analysis. Please download the vgosDB at your earliest convenience: ftp://ftp.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/geoarchive/database/18OCT22XK.tgz. +STATION_NOTES  ISHIOKA  (Is/Q): One non-detection on Is-Wn baseline.  NYALES20 (Ny/N): Station didn't observe.  WETTZ13N (Wn/W): One non-detection on Is-Wn baseline.  WETTZELL (Wz/V): Ok. +DROP_CHANNELS  Is  Ny  Wn  Wz +MANUAL_PCAL +CHANNELS  Channels: XR1U = band|polarization|channel#|sideband XR1U/L  BBC01 8212.99 XR2U    BBC02 8252.99 XR3U    BBC03 8352.99 XR4U    BBC04 8512.99 XR5U    BBC05 8732.99 XR6U    BBC06 8852.99 XR7U    BBC07 8912.99 XR8U/L  BBC08 8932.99 SR1U    BBC09 2225.99 SR2U    BBC10 2245.99 SR3U    BBC11 2265.99 SR4U    BBC12 2295.99 SR5U    BBC13 2345.99 SR6U    BBC14 2365.99 +CLOCKS Clocks: Bonn  Station     fmout-gps      Used      rate     Comments               [usec]       [usec]   [sec/sec]   Is            0.40         0.73            0   Ny            0.00         2.19            0   Wn           -1.36         1.01            0   Wz           -3.77        -1.14            0 Date:    2018/10/22  07:00:00 +QCODES Qcod 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  7  8   9 A B C D E F  G H N   - Tot ---------------------------------------------------------- QN:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  33  33 QN:S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  33  33 QW:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  1  32 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0   0  33 QW:S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0  32 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0   0  33 QV:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  3  30 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0   0  33 QV:S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0  33 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0   0  33 NW:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  33  33 NW:S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  33  33 NV:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  33  33 NV:S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  33  33 WV:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  1 14  18 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0   0  33 WV:S 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  9 11   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0   0  33 ---------------------------------------------------------- Tot  1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 29 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 198 396  Legend:  QC = 0   Fringes not detected.     = 1-9 Fringes detected, no error condition. Higher #, better quality.     = B   Interpolation error in fourfit.     = D   No data in one or more frequency channels.     = E   Maximum fringe amplitude at edge of SBD, MBD, or rate window.     = F   Fork problem in processing.     = G   Fringe amp in a channel is <.5 times mean amp (only if SNR>20).     = H   Low Phase-cal amplitude in one or more channels.     = N   No valid correlator data.   Minus   Scans in original schedule file for which correlation was not           attempted, usually because of known station problems.   Tot     Total number of scans in schedule. +SNR_RATIOS MEAN RATIOS = Observed SNR / Predicted SNR  for exp no. 4579  ...by baseline, over all sources:  bl     X     n       S     n  QN    0.00    0     0.00    0  QW    1.00   33     0.72   32  QV    1.06   33     0.94   33  NW    0.00    0     0.00    0  NV    0.00    0     0.00    0  WV    1.62   33     1.47   33 +FOURFIT_CONTROL_FILE * control file for exp. INT3 with 1 Gbps *    max_parity  0.10     pc_mode multitone     pc_period 5 *  start -2 * stop -10    sb_win -512.0 512.0 mb_win -2.0 2.0 dr_win -300.e-4 300.e-4 *      sb_win -2.0 2.0 mb_win -2.0 2.0 dr_win -30.0e-5 30.0e-5 * *    ...offset between VLBA-VLBA and MK4-VLBA ... * Is/Q    if station Q    lsb_offset -80. if f_group X  ref_freq 8212.99 if station Q and f_group X  ref_freq 8212.99  pc_tonemask ghijklmn 65407 65407 65407 65407 65407 65407 65407 65407 if f_group S  ref_freq 2225.99 if station Q and f_group S  ref_freq 2225.99  pc_tonemask abcdef 65519 65519 65519 65519 65519 65519 if baseline WV and f_group S freqs b c d e f * ref Is/Q  if station W and f_group S  pc_phases abcdef  0.7   -0.2    4.3   -6.5    0.4    0.5  if station W and f_group X  pc_phases ghijklmn 10.5   -4.5   -9.7   -8.8    5.4   -3.2    1.9    0.7  if station V and f_group S  pc_phases abcdef -6.2    2.8    2.1    4.6   -1.8   -2.1  if station V and f_group X  pc_phases ghijklmn 3.1    1.1   -6.4   -1.9   -3.2   -0.0    6.6   -0.3 if baseline WV and f_group X * cat /dev/null |\ * awk -v f=... 'END{for(i=0;i<16;i++) print "",f+ i*1.0 - 0.05,f+i*1.0 + 0.05}' *  notches *g+ f=8212.99  8212.95 8213.05  8213.95 8214.05  8214.95 8215.05  8215.95 8216.05  8216.95 8217.05  8217.95 8218.05  8218.95 8219.05  8219.95 8220.05  8220.95 8221.05  8221.95 8222.05  8222.95 8223.05  8223.95 8224.05  8224.95 8225.05  8225.95 8226.05  8226.95 8227.05  8227.95 8228.05 *g- f=8212.99  8212.95 8213.05  8211.95 8212.05  8210.95 8211.05  8209.95 8210.05  8208.95 8209.05  8207.95 8208.05  8206.95 8207.05  8205.95 8206.05  8204.95 8205.05  8203.95 8204.05  8202.95 8203.05  8201.95 8202.05  8200.95 8201.05  8199.95 8200.05  8198.95 8199.05  8197.95 8198.05 *h f=8252.99  8252.95 8253.05  8253.95 8254.05  8254.95 8255.05  8255.95 8256.05  8256.95 8257.05  8257.95 8258.05  8258.95 8259.05  8259.95 8260.05  8260.95 8261.05  8261.95 8262.05  8262.95 8263.05  8263.95 8264.05  8264.95 8265.05  8265.95 8266.05  8266.95 8267.05  8267.95 8268.05 *i f=8352.99  8352.95 8353.05  8353.95 8354.05  8354.95 8355.05  8355.95 8356.05  8356.95 8357.05  8357.95 8358.05  8358.95 8359.05  8359.95 8360.05  8360.95 8361.05  8361.95 8362.05  8362.95 8363.05  8363.95 8364.05  8364.95 8365.05  8365.95 8366.05  8366.95 8367.05  8367.95 8368.05 *j f=8512.99  8512.95 8513.05  8513.95 8514.05  8514.95 8515.05  8515.95 8516.05  8516.95 8517.05  8517.95 8518.05  8518.95 8519.05  8519.95 8520.05  8520.95 8521.05  8521.95 8522.05  8522.95 8523.05  8523.95 8524.05  8524.95 8525.05  8525.95 8526.05  8526.95 8527.05  8527.95 8528.05 *k f=8732.99  8732.95 8733.05  8733.95 8734.05  8734.95 8735.05  8735.95 8736.05  8736.95 8737.05  8737.95 8738.05  8738.95 8739.05  8739.95 8740.05  8740.95 8741.05  8741.95 8742.05  8742.95 8743.05  8743.95 8744.05  8744.95 8745.05  8745.95 8746.05  8746.95 8747.05  8747.95 8748.05 *l f=8852.99  8852.95 8853.05  8853.95 8854.05  8854.95 8855.05  8855.95 8856.05  8856.95 8857.05  8857.95 8858.05  8858.95 8859.05  8859.95 8860.05  8860.95 8861.05  8861.95 8862.05  8862.95 8863.05  8863.95 8864.05  8864.95 8865.05  8865.95 8866.05  8866.95 8867.05  8867.95 8868.05 *m f=8912.99  8912.95 8913.05  8913.95 8914.05  8914.95 8915.05  8915.95 8916.05  8916.95 8917.05  8917.95 8918.05  8918.95 8919.05  8919.95 8920.05  8920.95 8921.05  8921.95 8922.05  8922.95 8923.05  8923.95 8924.05  8924.95 8925.05  8925.95 8926.05  8926.95 8927.05  8927.95 8928.05 *n+ f=8932.99  8932.95 8933.05  8933.95 8934.05  8934.95 8935.05  8935.95 8936.05  8936.95 8937.05  8937.95 8938.05  8938.95 8939.05  8939.95 8940.05  8940.95 8941.05  8941.95 8942.05  8942.95 8943.05  8943.95 8944.05  8944.95 8945.05  8945.95 8946.05  8946.95 8947.05  8947.95 8948.05 *n- f=8932.99  8932.95 8933.05  8931.95 8932.05  8930.95 8931.05  8929.95 8930.05  8928.95 8929.05  8927.95 8928.05  8926.95 8927.05  8925.95 8926.05  8924.95 8925.05  8923.95 8924.05  8922.95 8923.05  8921.95 8922.05  8920.95 8921.05  8919.95 8920.05  8918.95 8919.05  8917.95 8918.05 if baseline WV and f_group S * cat /dev/null |\ * awk -v f=... 'END{for(i=0;i<16;i++) print "",f+ i*1.0 - 0.15,f+i*1.0 + 0.15}' *  notches * a f=2225.99  2225.85 2226.15  2226.85 2227.15  2227.85 2228.15  2228.85 2229.15  2229.85 2230.15  2230.85 2231.15  2231.85 2232.15  2232.85 2233.15  2233.85 2234.15  2234.85 2235.15  2235.85 2236.15  2236.85 2237.15  2237.85 2238.15  2238.85 2239.15  2239.85 2240.15  2240.85 2241.15 * b f=2245.99  2245.85 2246.15  2246.85 2247.15  2247.85 2248.15  2248.85 2249.15  2249.85 2250.15  2250.85 2251.15  2251.85 2252.15  2252.85 2253.15  2253.85 2254.15  2254.85 2255.15  2255.85 2256.15  2256.85 2257.15  2257.85 2258.15  2258.85 2259.15  2259.85 2260.15  2260.85 2261.15 * c f=2265.99  2265.85 2266.15  2266.85 2267.15  2267.85 2268.15  2268.85 2269.15  2269.85 2270.15  2270.85 2271.15  2271.85 2272.15  2272.85 2273.15  2273.85 2274.15  2274.85 2275.15  2275.85 2276.15  2276.85 2277.15  2277.85 2278.15  2278.85 2279.15  2279.85 2280.15  2280.85 2281.15 * d f=2295.99  2295.85 2296.15  2296.85 2297.15  2297.85 2298.15  2298.85 2299.15  2299.85 2300.15  2300.85 2301.15  2301.85 2302.15  2302.85 2303.15  2303.85 2304.15  2304.85 2305.15  2305.85 2306.15  2306.85 2307.15  2307.85 2308.15  2308.85 2309.15  2309.85 2310.15  2310.85 2311.15 * e f=2345.99  2345.85 2346.15  2346.85 2347.15  2347.85 2348.15  2348.85 2349.15  2349.85 2350.15  2350.85 2351.15  2351.85 2352.15  2352.85 2353.15  2353.85 2354.15  2354.85 2355.15  2355.85 2356.15  2356.85 2357.15  2357.85 2358.15  2358.85 2359.15  2359.85 2360.15  2360.85 2361.15 * f f=2365.99  2365.85 2366.15  2366.85 2367.15  2367.85 2368.15  2368.85 2369.15  2369.85 2370.15  2370.85 2371.15  2371.85 2372.15  2372.85 2373.15  2373.85 2374.15  2374.85 2375.15  2375.85 2376.15  2376.85 2377.15  2377.85 2378.15  2378.85 2379.15  2379.85 2380.15  2380.85 2381.15 Regards,  Simone +END