Starting generation of Calibration File FS version = 0009.0010.0004 time_zero = 1620000 Found #9 errors of type = ERROR sc -4 setcl: formatter to cpu time difference greater than 248 days Found #1 errors of type = ERROR st -999 Failed: stopping antenna motion Found #1 errors of type = ERROR st -999 Antenna STOP command failed!!! Found #1 errors of type = ERROR st -100 Waiting for antenna response timed out - antenna protocol error. Found #1 errors of type = ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). Found these BBCs: NBBC: 0 Found these parameters: RX1 min= 100000 max= -1 RX2 min= 100000 max= -1 RX3 min= 100000 max= -1 Plotting 0 Tsys channels: NTSYS: 0