==================================== rd1810 ==================================== K2 : Lower than normal RMS on Band-D IF1 throughout experiment. Kk : Observed with warm receiver. Ny : High winds (04:39-07:27). On : Late start. Operator playing with OTT. (18:27). No problems found for : Hh, Ho, Mc, Wf No information for : Gs ================================ rd1810gs READY ================================ 2018-12-12 17:59:21 rd1810, GGAO, Ready message Comment: GGAO is ready for rd1810. Weather is cloudy. Maser Offset: 73.4415 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandB: -2.343750005e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -7.348046875e-05 RDBE-BandB: -7.348046875e-05 RDBE-BandC: -7.348046875e-05 RDBE-BandD: -7.348046875e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = AD214 | 17.7820480316 70K = AD215 | 65.0880626223 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: casa | TIME: 2018.346.17:32:52.12 Az: 39.2 | El: 35.8 RDBE-BandA: 153020 | $$$$$$ RDBE-BandB: 2475.9 | 2466.4 RDBE-BandC: 2171.7 | 2283.4 RDBE-BandD: 2337.6 | 2535.6 ================================ rd1810gs START ================================ 2018-12-12 18:00:56 rd1810, GGAO, Start message Comment: GGAO started rd1810. Weather is cloudy. Maser Offset: 73.4415 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandB: -2.343750005e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -7.348046875e-05 RDBE-BandB: -7.348046875e-05 RDBE-BandC: -7.348046875e-05 RDBE-BandD: -7.348046875e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = AD214 | 17.7820480316 70K = AD215 | 65.0880626223 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: casa | TIME: 2018.346.17:32:52.12 Az: 39.2 | El: 35.8 RDBE-BandA: 153020 | $$$$$$ RDBE-BandB: 2475.9 | 2466.4 RDBE-BandC: 2171.7 | 2283.4 RDBE-BandD: 2337.6 | 2535.6 ================================ rd1810gs STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:05:00 rd1810, GGAO, Stop message Comment: GGAO finished rd1810. Weather is cloudy. Possible RFI in band A. Maser Offset: 73.5089 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -7.355468750e-05 RDBE-BandB: -7.355468750e-05 RDBE-BandC: -7.355468750e-05 RDBE-BandD: -7.355468750e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = AD214 | 18.3715261638 70K = AD215 | 65.8708414873 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: casa | TIME: 2018.347.18:04:21.12 Az: 40.7 | El: 40.2 RDBE-BandA: 1916.5 | 1405.6 RDBE-BandB: 2554.7 | 2441.6 RDBE-BandC: 2243.2 | 2315.2 RDBE-BandD: 2445.6 | 2577.0 ================================ rd1810hh READY ================================ 2018-12-12 15:02:41 rd1810, HartRAO, Ready-message Session rd1810 ready message for HartRAO. ----------------------------------------- Comments: HartRAO is ready to start the experiment First source: 0537-441 at 18:00:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 9.0267 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 29.6 Pressure (mBar): 861.6 Humidity (%): 29.4 Sky Conditions: clear skies Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading smaller by 1050 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: na Tsys (x1/s/x2): 51.1/56.4/49.9 ================================ rd1810hh START ================================ 2018-12-12 18:00:00 rd1810, HartRAO, Autostart-message Session rd1810 auto-start message for HartRAO. ---------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0537-441 at 346.18:00:00 UT ================================ rd1810hh STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 17:55:45 rd1810, HartRAO, Stop-message Session rd1810 stop message for HartRAO. ---------------------------------------- Comments: HartRAO has completed RD1810 All scans recorded Weather conditions:clear skies at start, mostly clear midway through and 50-60% cloud cover at end Data will be e-shipped to Haystack Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 0, E 0, F 0, G 1, H 0, (other larger) 7 Observation finished at: 17:55:02 UT ================================ rd1810ho WIKI ================================= 2018-12-13 18:14:00 rd1810 Hobart 26m Disk VSN : USN-0102/6000/1024. Data volume at the beginning 0 GB 1800 UT: Experiment started OK (Jay). The clkoff and maserdelay commands not always return a value. Informed to Warren who's having a look at it (Prad). 0607 UT: clkoff, maserdelay fixed. Fixed by typing the commands in hb12 fs and the commands in newsmerd became responsive again. (Atifur) 1200 UT: Connection at AuScope room lost, resume observation at Mt Pleasant. Log file to be monitored is unable to be created. 1351 UT: monit3 not returning value, Tsys in SysMon is referred instead. (Lim) ================================ rd1810k2 READY ================================ 2018-12-12 17:56:15 rd1810, KPGO12M, Ready message Comment: Weather overcast 14.4C 895.2 mBar 95.7 % H New maser offset due to loss of power to Maser. No good calibrator sources in sight durring set up. Pointing checks performed on day 345 below usinf the rd1810 proc. Casa@32/36 azoffset =0.0017 El offset = 0,0132 Band A 2691 | 3543 Band B 2094 | 2387 Band C 1881 | 2408 Band D 2263 | 2910 Maser Offset: +10.39 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.562499996e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: 1.038671875e-05 RDBE-BandB: 1.038281250e-05 RDBE-BandC: 1.038281250e-05 RDBE-BandD: 1.038281250e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = cryo20_AD214 | 22.57489 70K = cryo70_AD215 | 64.0341 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: | TIME: Az: | El: RDBE-BandA: | RDBE-BandB: | RDBE-BandC: | RDBE-BandD: | ================================ rd1810k2 START ================================ 2018-12-12 18:24:40 rd1810, KPGO12M, Start message Comment: Started recorded with with source 1803+784 with good scan check Weather overcast 14.4C 895.2 mBar 95.7 % H New maser offset due to loss of power to Maser. No good calibrator sources in sight durring set up. Pointing checks performed on day 345 below using the rd1810 proc. Casa@32/36 azoffset =0.0017 El offset = 0,0132 Band A 2691 | 3543 Band B 2094 | 2387 Band C 1881 | 2408 Band D 2263 | 2910 Maser Offset: +10.39 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.562499996e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: 1.038671875e-05 RDBE-BandB: 1.038281250e-05 RDBE-BandC: 1.038281250e-05 RDBE-BandD: 1.038671875e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = cryo20_AD214 | 23.06999 70K = cryo70_AD215 | 63.95272 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: | TIME: Az: | El: RDBE-BandA: | RDBE-BandB: | RDBE-BandC: | RDBE-BandD: | ================================ rd1810k2 STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:14:41 rd1810, KPGO12M, Stop message Comment: Lower than normal RMS on Band-D IF1 throughout experiment. In the 12-15 range. Tried to reboot UDC-D to resolve low RMS values on IF1, and amplitude went to zero for scan 346-2553b. Issued an ifdbb command and amplitude went back to normal but RMS was still low on IF1 for Band-D. Left as is for remainder. Weather - Overcast and rain throughout experiment. No valid post experimetn pointing offests with only Virgoa in site at elevation of 78deg., but SEFD values look nominal. Diskpack will be sent out via FecEx AWB# 7739 6332 7513. No other problems to report. Maser Offset: +10.4 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: 1.039453125e-05 RDBE-BandB: 1.039062500e-05 RDBE-BandC: 1.039062500e-05 RDBE-BandD: 1.039453125e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = cryo20_AD214 | 24.25891 70K = cryo70_AD215 | 67.84512 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: virgoa | TIME: 2018.347.18:11:09.17 Az: 216.8 | El: 77.9 RDBE-BandA: 2902.9 | 5006.2 RDBE-BandB: 2026.4 | 3382.0 RDBE-BandC: 1975.4 | 3783.7 RDBE-BandD: 2445.1 | 2804.6 ================================ rd1810kk READY ================================ 2018-12-12 17:46:40 rd1810, Kokee Park, Ready-message Session rd1810 ready message for Kokee Park. -------------------------------------------- Comments: Running experiment warm due to cryo issues. First source: 1803+784 at 346/1800:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 10.39 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 14 Pressure (mBar): 894.8 Humidity (%): `100 Sky Conditions: mostly cloudy Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading smaller by 52.5 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 7212/1942 virgoa 157/79 0.125 0.011 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 322/107/175 ================================ rd1810kk START ================================ 2018-12-12 18:00:00 rd1810, Kokee Park, Autostart-message Session rd1810 auto-start message for Kokee Park. ------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1803+784 at 346.18:00:00 UT ================================ rd1810kk STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:12:58 rd1810, Kokee Park, Stop-message Session rd1810 stop message for Kokee Park. ------------------------------------------- Comments: Diskpack UVLBI-24 will be sent out via Fedex 7739 5251 2107. Phase cal was turned off durring session. Disk Inventory: A 2, B 1, C 0, D 15, E 5, F 0, G 1, H 2, (other larger) 3 Observation finished at: 347/1759:17 UT ================================ rd1810mc READY ================================ 2018-12-12 16:35:31 rd1810, Medicina, Ready-message Session rd1810 ready message for Medicina. ------------------------------------------ First source: 1803+784 at 18:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 7.24 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 5.8 Pressure (mBar): 1016.9 Humidity (%): 46.8 Sky Conditions: clean sky Cable difference is: na Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 0/0 3c84 64/35 0.004 -0.004 401/540 3c123 64/17 0.003 -0.007 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 30/43/20 ================================ rd1810mc STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:40:02 rd1810, Medicina, Stop-message Session rd1810 stop message for Medicina. ----------------------------------------- Observation finished at: 17:59:28 UT ================================ rd1810ny READY ================================ 2018-12-12 17:55:13 rd1810, Ny-Alesund, Ready-message Session rd1810 ready message for Ny-Alesund. -------------------------------------------- First source: 1803+784 at 18:00:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 154.17 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -2.8 Pressure (mBar): 993.1 Humidity (%): 80.0 Sky Conditions: cloudy Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 667.6 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 754/1315 CygnusA 247/46 -0.0056 0.0024 873/1275 CasA 192/70 0.0010 0.0059 Tsys (IFA/IFB/IFC): 43/54/130 ================================ rd1810ny START ================================ 2018-12-12 18:00:00 rd1810, Ny-Alesund, Autostart-message Session rd1810 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1803+784 at 346.18:00:00 UT ================================ rd1810ny STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:03:24 rd1810, Ny-Alesund, Stop-message Session rd1810 stop message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------- Comments: Some snow has acumulated on the antenna dish during the session. Antenna stopped between 04:41 and 07:24 due to high winds. Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 10, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 10 Observation finished at: 17:59:18 UT ================================ rd1810on START ================================ 2018-12-12 19:01:29 RD1810 start message for ONSALA60 RD1810 start message for ONSALA60: Unfortunately, the first 5 scans were lost. The first source observed is 0805+410 at 346-1837. The reason for this delay is an unconcentrated operator (i.e. me) playing around with the OTT and forgetting about time. Sorry... :-( ================================ rd1810on STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:19:41 RD1810 stop message for ONSALA60 RD1810 stop message for ONSALA60: nothing special except that we lost the first 5 scans, see start message ================================ rd1810wf READY ================================ 2018-12-12 15:46:33 rd1810, Westford, Ready message Comment: Weather is clear. First source 1803+784 at 18:00UT Maser Offset: 62.52 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.562499996e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.562499996e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: 6.263281250e-05 RDBE-BandB: 6.263281250e-05 RDBE-BandC: 6.263281250e-05 RDBE-BandD: 6.263281250e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = AD214 | 11.0533195734 70K = AD215 | 23.4794606999 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: casa | TIME: 2018.346.15:30:50.10 Az: 33.4 | El: 27.3 RDBE-BandA: 1799.4 | 6208.1 RDBE-BandB: 1842.6 | 2848.0 RDBE-BandC: 2130.2 | 2674.1 RDBE-BandD: 3033.0 | 3752.7 ================================ rd1810wf START ================================ 2018-12-12 18:00:30 rd1810, Westford, Start message Comment: Weather is clear. First source 1803+784 at 18:00UT Possible S-Band RFI in Band A Maser Offset: 62.52 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.562499996e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.562499996e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: 6.263281250e-05 RDBE-BandB: 6.263281250e-05 RDBE-BandC: 6.263281250e-05 RDBE-BandD: 6.263281250e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = AD214 | 11.0533195734 70K = AD215 | 23.4794606999 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: casa | TIME: 2018.346.15:30:50.10 Az: 33.4 | El: 27.3 RDBE-BandA: 1799.4 | 6208.1 RDBE-BandB: 1842.6 | 2848.0 RDBE-BandC: 2130.2 | 2674.1 RDBE-BandD: 3033.0 | 3752.7 ================================ rd1810wf STOP ================================= 2018-12-13 18:10:42 rd1810, Westford, Stop message Comment: Weather is mostly clear. All scans recorded Maser Offset: 62.54 ============RDBE-OFFSETS=========== PPS Offset RDBE-BandA: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandB: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandC: -1.953124995e-08 RDBE-BandD: -1.953124995e-08 ================================== GPS Offset RDBE-BandA: 6.264062500e-05 RDBE-BandB: 6.264062500e-05 RDBE-BandC: 6.264062500e-05 RDBE-BandD: 6.264062500e-05 ============CRYO-INFORMATION====== MCI INFO 20K = AD214 | 11.4661162711 70K = AD215 | 23.2637029637 ============SEFD-INFORMATION====== SOURCE: casa | TIME: 2018.347.18:07:39.17 Az: 43.7 | El: 46.0 RDBE-BandA: 29759. | 20264. RDBE-BandB: 2439.6 | 11855. RDBE-BandC: 2108.4 | 2862.2 RDBE-BandD: 2337.9 | 2970.0 ================================================================================