Starting generation of Calibration File FS version = 0009.0012.0011 time_zero = 3423600 Found #185 errors of type = ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! Found #1 errors of type = ERROR ST -406 Time-out on wait for response from telescope control computer Found #1 errors of type = ERROR fl -2 FLAGR detected error in ANTCN see above for error. Found #1 errors of type = ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). Found #1 errors of type = ERROR ST -408 Error while reading response from telescope control computer Found these BBCs: NBBC: 0 Found these parameters: RX1 min= 100000 max= -1 RX2 min= 100000 max= -1 RX3 min= 100000 max= -1 Plotting 0 Tsys channels: NTSYS: 0