IVS Analysis Report for R1922 ($19NOV25XA) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by David Gordon, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Spoolfile source: interactive solve/nuSolve analysis.) Problems: KOKEE started with a warm receiver due to a power outage. They stopped for ~4 hours after the Intensive to recool. SEJONG missed ~2 hours due to some antenna error. YARRA12M small clock break at ~07:08 UTC. Parameterization comments: None. Other comments: NYALE13S did not observe. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 4961 scheduled 4010 correlated (in database) 3616 recoverable (usable) 3533 used Session fit: 49.776 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO 470 373 366 77.9% HART15M 993 842 807 81.3% ISHIOKA 1748 1378 1343 76.8% KOKEE 1266 858 833 65.8% NYALE13S 618 MISSED MISSED 0.0% SEJONG 1529 1084 1066 69.7% WARK12M 943 834 821 87.1% WETTZ13N 1261 901 879 69.7% YARRA12M 1094 962 951 86.9% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 4961 3616 3533 71.2% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 0346+800 69 59 0 0.0% 1556-245 6 4 3 50.0% 1325+126 15 13 3 20.0% 0829+089 82 67 0 0.0% 1936+046 15 15 2 13.3% 0528+134 30 30 28 93.3% 0302-623 27 27 18 66.7% 0149+218 80 69 65 81.2% 0003-066 45 39 39 86.7% 0059+581 227 156 151 66.5% 0104-408 116 116 116 100.0% 0454-234 230 230 229 99.6% 0530-727 36 36 36 100.0% 0727-115 232 232 219 94.4% 0955+476 130 89 83 63.8% 1057-797 198 198 191 96.5% 1124-186 99 88 86 86.9% 1144-379 110 90 73 66.4% 1255-316 21 12 10 47.6% 1417+385 92 65 55 59.8% 1424-418 90 79 75 83.3% 1606+106 126 110 108 85.7% NGC6251 9 7 2 22.2% DA426 18 12 9 50.0% 1741-038 158 140 136 86.1% 1921-293 12 12 12 100.0% 3C418 295 154 138 46.8% 2318+049 61 49 45 73.8% 0237-027 33 33 30 90.9% 0358+210 30 15 14 46.7% 1639+230 6 3 1 16.7% 2227-088 232 216 205 88.4% 2229+695 118 50 47 39.8% 1053+704 123 107 101 82.1% 0646-306 106 106 104 98.1% 1759-396 9 9 6 66.7% 2008-159 210 194 176 83.8% 1502+036 12 12 10 83.3% 1806+456 79 36 29 36.7% 2013+163 9 9 7 77.8% 0017+200 282 196 183 64.9% 0642+449 310 185 165 53.2% 0814+425 216 147 129 59.7% 0834-201 46 46 9 19.6% 1123+264 6 1 1 16.7% 1243-072 91 87 81 89.0% 1406-076 210 186 173 82.4% 1514+197 12 12 11 91.7% 1849+670 156 126 99 63.5% 2126-158 36 36 20 55.6% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 4961 4010 3533 71.2% * Correlated: included in database ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO-HART15M 174 152 146 83.9% AGGO-ISHIOKA 0 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% AGGO-KOKEE 36 18 17 47.2% AGGO-NYALE13S 21 MISSED MISSED 0.0% AGGO-SEJONG 0 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% AGGO-WARK12M 66 65 65 98.5% AGGO-WETTZ13N 144 109 109 75.7% AGGO-YARRA12M 29 29 29 100.0% HART15M-ISHIOKA 134 115 107 79.9% HART15M-KOKEE 0 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-NYALE13S 49 MISSED MISSED 0.0% HART15M-SEJONG 110 76 75 68.2% HART15M-WARK12M 110 104 100 90.9% HART15M-WETTZ13N 250 235 223 89.2% HART15M-YARRA12M 166 160 156 94.0% ISHIOKA-KOKEE 360 277 262 72.8% ISHIOKA-NYALE13S 143 MISSED MISSED 0.0% ISHIOKA-SEJONG 433 365 359 82.9% ISHIOKA-WARK12M 191 177 177 92.7% ISHIOKA-WETTZ13N 269 236 230 85.5% ISHIOKA-YARRA12M 218 208 208 95.4% KOKEE-NYALE13S 99 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KOKEE-SEJONG 292 203 198 67.8% KOKEE-WARK12M 182 143 141 77.5% KOKEE-WETTZ13N 163 112 111 68.1% KOKEE-YARRA12M 134 105 104 77.6% NYALE13S-SEJONG 118 MISSED MISSED 0.0% NYALE13S-WARK12M 14 MISSED MISSED 0.0% NYALE13S-WETTZ13N 139 MISSED MISSED 0.0% NYALE13S-YARRA12M 35 MISSED MISSED 0.0% SEJONG-WARK12M 153 126 124 81.0% SEJONG-WETTZ13N 214 140 138 64.5% SEJONG-YARRA12M 209 174 172 82.3% WARK12M-WETTZ13N 3 1 DESELECTED 0.0% WARK12M-YARRA12M 224 218 214 95.5% WETTZ13N-YARRA12M 79 68 68 86.1% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 4961 3616 3533 71.2% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.