2020.027.16:30:08.25;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.13.2 2020.027.16:30:08.25;release,9.13.2 2020.027.16:30:08.25;location,NYAL13NS,11.86,78.94,53.7 2020.027.16:30:08.25;horizon1,0.,5.,360.,5. 2020.027.16:30:08.25;antenna,13.2,720.0,360.0,-50.0,490.0,2.0,89.0,azel 2020.027.16:30:08.25;equip,dbbc_ddc,flexbuff,none,none,500.10,3,a/d,101,60,20,none,40,1,in,8bit,cdp,3,return,v107,v15_1,1,1,1,1,15000,15000,15000,15000,32,vsi1 2020.027.16:30:08.25;time,0.000,1.000,rate 2020.027.16:30:08.25;flagr,200 2020.027.16:30:08.25;fsserver,disabled 2020.027.16:37:11.74;proc=lmt 2020.027.16:37:17.16;10sec 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/scan_name=test,test,ns,0,0 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/disk_record=on 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/disk_record 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/data_valid=on 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/!+10s 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/data_valid=off 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/disk_record=off 2020.027.16:37:17.16&10sec/wx 2020.027.16:37:17.16/disk_record/on,test_ns_testb,346 2020.027.16:37:27.18/wx/-7.5,1016.6,72, 7.0,220 2020.027.16:43:00.55;10sec 2020.027.16:43:00.56/disk_record/on,test_ns_test,347 2020.027.16:43:10.57/wx/-7.4,1016.6,71, 7.0,222 2020.027.16:46:05.40;proc=r1931ns 2020.027.16:47:42.66;setupsx 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"pcalon 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"tpicd=stop 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"recorder may be wired to vsi1 or vsi2 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/mk5c_mode=vdif,0x55555555,,16.000 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/mk5c_mode 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"form=geo 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"form 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/dbbcsx8 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/ifdsx 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"cont_cal=off 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/bbc_gain=all,agc 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"tpicd=no,0 2020.027.16:47:42.66&setupsx/"tpicd 2020.027.16:47:42.66/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc01=132.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc02=172.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc03=272.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc04=432.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc05=652.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc06=772.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc07=812.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc08=852.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc09=525.99,c,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc10=545.99,c,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc11=565.99,c,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc12=595.99,c,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc13=645.99,d,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66&dbbcsx8/bbc14=665.99,d,8.00 2020.027.16:47:42.66?ERROR un 104 Connection reset by peer 2020.027.16:47:42.66?ERROR db -110 dbbcn: error pre-draining input, see above for error, connection closed 2020.027.16:47:43.67?ERROR db -114 dbbcn: re-open after pre-drain error was okay, proceeding to transaction. 2020.027.16:47:43.69?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.69?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.72?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.72?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.75?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.75?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.79?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.79?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.82?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.82?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.85?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.85?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.88?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.88?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.91?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.91?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.94?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.94?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:43.97?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:43.97?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:44.00?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:44.00?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:44.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:44.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:44.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:44.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:44.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:47:44.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/ifa=1,agc,2,26000 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/ifb=1,agc,1,28000 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/ifc=1,agc,1,26000 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/ifd=1,agc,1,28000 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/lo= 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/lo=loa,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/lo=lob,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/lo=loc,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:47:44.10&ifdsx/lo=lod,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:53:46.59;cbbd=dbbc01 2020.027.16:53:46.59?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 2020.027.16:53:52.18;dbbd=dbbc01 2020.027.16:53:52.18?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 2020.027.16:53:55.86;dbbc=dbbc01 2020.027.16:53:55.86/dbbc/dbbc001/ 132.990000,a,32,1,agc,22,1,14984,10,0,0; 2020.027.16:53:59.32;dbbc=dbbc06 2020.027.16:53:59.32/dbbc/dbbc006/ 772.990000,b,32,1,agc,42,1,14504,2,0,0; 2020.027.16:54:56.46;proc=r1931ns 2020.027.16:54:59.84;setupsx 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"pcalon 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"tpicd=stop 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"recorder may be wired to vsi1 or vsi2 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/mk5c_mode=vdif,0x55555555,,16.000 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/mk5c_mode 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"form=geo 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"form 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/dbbcsx8 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/ifdsx 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"cont_cal=off 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/bbc_gain=all,agc 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"tpicd=no,0 2020.027.16:54:59.84&setupsx/"tpicd 2020.027.16:54:59.85/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc01=132.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc02=172.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc03=272.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc04=432.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc05=652.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc06=772.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc07=812.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc08=852.99,a,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc09=525.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc10=545.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc11=565.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc12=595.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc13=645.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.85&dbbcsx8/bbc14=665.99,b,8.00 2020.027.16:54:59.88?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:54:59.88?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:54:59.91?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:54:59.91?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:54:59.94?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:54:59.94?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:54:59.97?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:54:59.97?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.00?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.00?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.027.16:55:00.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/ifa=1,agc,2,26000 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/ifb=1,agc,1,28000 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/ifc=1,agc,1,26000 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/ifd=1,agc,1,28000 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/lo= 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/lo=loa,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/lo=lob,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/lo=loc,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:55:00.36&ifdsx/lo=lod,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.027.16:55:04.95;dbbc=dbbc01 2020.027.16:55:04.95/dbbc/dbbc001/ 132.990000,a,32,1,agc,21,1,15370,10,0,0; 2020.027.16:55:07.16;dbbc=dbbc05 2020.027.16:55:07.16/dbbc/dbbc005/ 652.990000,a,32,1,agc,37,1,15018,8,0,0; 2020.027.16:55:11.68;dbbc=dbbc06 2020.027.16:55:11.68/dbbc/dbbc006/ 772.990000,a,32,1,agc,41,1,15400,2,0,0; 2020.027.16:55:15.52;dbbc=dbbc07 2020.027.16:55:15.52/dbbc/dbbc007/ 812.990000,a,32,1,agc,51,1,14976,0,0,0; 2020.027.16:55:17.47;dbbc=dbbc08 2020.027.16:55:17.47/dbbc/dbbc008/ 852.990000,a,32,1,agc,42,1,6144,2,0,0; 2020.027.16:55:19.62;dbbc=dbbc09 2020.027.16:55:19.62/dbbc/dbbc009/ 525.990000,b,32,1,agc,23,1,15016,10,0,0; 2020.027.17:17:28.85;antenna=boot 2020.027.17:17:28.85#antcn#Received message for antenna: BOOT 2020.027.17:17:28.85/antenna/Booting 2020.027.17:27:38.23;terminate 2020.027.17:27:38.23:*boss terminated 2020.028.09:43:27.83;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.13.2 2020.028.09:43:27.83;release,9.13.2 2020.028.09:43:27.83;location,NYAL13NS,11.86,78.94,53.7 2020.028.09:43:27.83;horizon1,0.,5.,360.,5. 2020.028.09:43:27.83;antenna,13.2,720.0,360.0,-50.0,490.0,2.0,89.0,azel 2020.028.09:43:27.83;equip,dbbc_ddc,flexbuff,none,none,500.10,3,a/d,101,60,20,none,40,1,in,8bit,cdp,3,return,v107,v15_1,1,1,1,1,15000,15000,15000,15000,32,vsi1 2020.028.09:43:27.83;time,0.000,1.000,rate 2020.028.09:43:27.83;flagr,200 2020.028.09:43:27.83;fsserver,disabled 2020.028.09:43:36.47;proc=r1931ns 2020.028.09:43:39.36;setupsx 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"pcalon 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"tpicd=stop 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"recorder may be wired to vsi1 or vsi2 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/mk5c_mode=vdif,0x55555555,,16.000 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/mk5c_mode 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"form=geo 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"form 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/dbbcsx8 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/ifdsx 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"cont_cal=off 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/bbc_gain=all,agc 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"tpicd=no,0 2020.028.09:43:39.36&setupsx/"tpicd 2020.028.09:43:39.37/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc01=132.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc02=172.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc03=272.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc04=432.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc05=652.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc06=772.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc07=812.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc08=852.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc09=525.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc10=545.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc11=565.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc12=595.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc13=645.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.37&dbbcsx8/bbc14=665.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:43:39.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.49?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.49?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.52?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.52?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.55?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.55?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.58?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.58?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.63?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.63?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.66?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.66?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.69?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.69?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.72?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.72?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.75?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.75?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.78?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.78?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.81?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:43:39.81?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/ifa=1,agc,2,26000 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/ifb=1,agc,1,28000 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/ifc=1,agc,1,26000 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/ifd=1,agc,1,28000 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/lo= 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/lo=loa,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/lo=lob,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:43:39.81&ifdsx/lo=loc,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:43:39.82&ifdsx/lo=lod,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:44:26.36;schedule=r1931ns,#3037 2020.028.09:44:26.37:" R1931 2020 NYALE13S 1 Ns 2020.028.09:44:26.37:" 1 NYALE13S AZEL .0000 720.0 0 270.0 810.0 360.0 0 5.0 90.0 13.2 Ns Ns 2020.028.09:44:26.37:" Ns NYALE13S 1201071.41854 252129.53660 6238022.33843 00000000 2020.028.09:44:26.37:" Ns NYALE13S 14 17650 2020.028.09:44:26.37:" drudg version 2019Sep23 compiled under FS 9.13.02 2020.028.09:44:26.37:" Rack=DBBC_DDC Recorder 1=FlexBuff Recorder 2=none 2020.028.09:44:26.37:exper_initi 2020.028.09:44:26.37&exper_initi/proc_library 2020.028.09:44:26.37&exper_initi/sched_initi 2020.028.09:44:26.37&exper_initi/mk5=dts_id? 2020.028.09:44:26.37&exper_initi/mk5=os_rev? 2020.028.09:44:26.37&exper_initi/mk5_status 2020.028.09:44:26.37&exper_initi/dbbc=version 2020.028.09:44:26.37&proc_library/" r1931 nyale13s ns 2020.028.09:44:26.37&proc_library/" drudg version 2019sep23 compiled under fs 9.13.02 2020.028.09:44:26.37&proc_library/"< dbbc_ddc rack >< flexbuff recorder 1> 2020.028.09:44:26.37&sched_initi/"antenna=boot 2020.028.09:44:26.37&sched_initi/"mk5=mtu=8261 2020.028.09:44:26.37&sched_initi/mk5=mtu? 2020.028.09:44:26.37&sched_initi/tacd 2020.028.09:44:26.37&sched_initi/"dbbc=pps_delay 2020.028.09:44:26.37/mk5/!mtu? 0 : 9000 ; 2020.028.09:44:26.51/tacd/average,OLD,43857.417003,301,0.000942,18.476425,18.471617,18.473839 2020.028.09:44:26.51/mk5/!dts_id? 0 : - : 13-juni-2018 09h37m57s : 1 : flexbuffs : 0 : 0 : - : - : - ; 2020.028.09:44:26.51/mk5/!os_rev? 0 : Linux version 2.6.32-696.16.1.el6.centos.plus.x86_64 (mockbuild@c1bl.rdu2.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Wed Nov 15 18:52:54 UTC 2017 ; 2020.028.09:44:26.51/mk5_status/status,0x00000001 2020.028.09:44:26.51/dbbc/version/ DDC_V,124,November 07 2019; 2020.028.09:44:26.51:scan_name=028-0945a,r1931,ns,68,68 2020.028.09:44:26.51:source=1705+018,170502.75,015238.4,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.09:44:26.51#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.09:44:32.51:"checkmk5 2020.028.09:44:32.51#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.09:44:32.51:setupsx 2020.028.09:44:32.51&setupsx/"pcalon 2020.028.09:44:32.51&setupsx/"tpicd=stop 2020.028.09:44:32.51&setupsx/"recorder may be wired to vsi1 or vsi2 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/mk5c_mode=vdif,0x55555555,,16.000 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/mk5c_mode 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/"form=geo 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/"form 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/dbbcsx8 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/ifdsx 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/"cont_cal=off 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/bbc_gain=all,agc 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/"tpicd=no,0 2020.028.09:44:32.52&setupsx/"tpicd 2020.028.09:44:32.52/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc01=132.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc02=172.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc03=272.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc04=432.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc05=652.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc06=772.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc07=812.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc08=852.99,a,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc09=525.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc10=545.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc11=565.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc12=595.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc13=645.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.52&dbbcsx8/bbc14=665.99,b,8.00 2020.028.09:44:32.55?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.55?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.58?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.58?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.61?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.61?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.64?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.64?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.67?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.67?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.70?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.70?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.74?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.74?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.77?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.77?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.80?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.80?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.83?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.83?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.86?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.86?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.89?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.89?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.92?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.92?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.95?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:44:32.95?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:44:32.95&ifdsx/ifa=1,agc,2,26000 2020.028.09:44:32.95&ifdsx/ifb=1,agc,1,28000 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/ifc=1,agc,1,26000 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/ifd=1,agc,1,28000 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/lo= 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/lo=loa,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/lo=lob,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/lo=loc,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:44:32.96&ifdsx/lo=lod,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.09:44:35.87:!2020.028.09:44:51 2020.028.09:44:51.00:preob 2020.028.09:44:51.00&preob/!* 2020.028.09:44:51.00&preob/onsource 2020.028.09:44:51.00&preob/"track 2020.028.09:44:51.00&preob/"!*+4s 2020.028.09:44:51.00&preob/"caltsys_man 2020.028.09:44:51.00&preob/"dbbcread 2020.028.09:44:51.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:44:51.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:44:51.00:!2020.028.09:45:01 2020.028.09:45:01.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.09:45:01.00:disk_record 2020.028.09:45:01.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-0945a,349 2020.028.09:45:01.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.09:45:01.00:midob 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/onsource 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/wx 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"cable 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"ifa 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"ifb 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"ifc 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"ifd 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"bbc01 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"bbc05 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"bbc09 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"bbc13 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/" the shown order of the commands from here to the end of this procedure is 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/" strongly recommended 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/" add your station command to measure the gps to fm output clock offset 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/" gps-fmout=c2 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"fmout-gps 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"mk5b_mode 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"!+1s 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"mk5=dot? 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"mk5=bank_set? 2020.028.09:45:01.00&midob/"sy=run setcl adapt & 2020.028.09:45:01.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:45:01.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:45:01.00/wx/-12.5,1016.6,58, 5.8,159 2020.028.09:45:01.01:!2020.028.09:46:09 2020.028.09:45:04.56;antenna=boot 2020.028.09:45:04.56#antcn#Received message for antenna: BOOT 2020.028.09:45:04.56/antenna/Booting 2020.028.09:46:09.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.09:46:09.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.09:46:09.00:postob 2020.028.09:46:09.00:scan_name=028-0947,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.09:46:09.00:source=0642+449,064252.98,445430.9,1950.0,cw 2020.028.09:46:09.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.09:46:15.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.09:46:15.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.09:46:15.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.09:46:15.00:setupsx 2020.028.09:46:15.00/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.09:46:15.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:15.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:46:15.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:46:18.44:!2020.028.09:47:30 2020.028.09:47:30.00:preob 2020.028.09:47:30.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:47:30.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:47:30.00:!2020.028.09:47:40 2020.028.09:47:40.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.09:47:40.00:disk_record 2020.028.09:47:40.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-0947,350 2020.028.09:47:40.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.09:47:40.00:midob 2020.028.09:47:40.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:47:40.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:47:40.00/wx/-11.8,1016.6,60, 4.6,158 2020.028.09:47:40.00:!2020.028.09:48:00 2020.028.09:48:00.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.09:48:00.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.09:48:00.05:postob 2020.028.09:48:00.05:scan_name=028-0950,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.09:48:00.05:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,cw 2020.028.09:48:00.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.09:48:06.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.09:48:06.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.09:48:06.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.09:48:06.05:setupsx 2020.028.09:48:06.05/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.09:48:06.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:06.49?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:48:06.49?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:48:09.30:!2020.028.09:50:09 2020.028.09:50:09.00:preob 2020.028.09:50:09.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:50:09.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:50:09.00:!2020.028.09:50:19 2020.028.09:50:19.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.09:50:19.01:disk_record 2020.028.09:50:19.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-0950,351 2020.028.09:50:19.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.09:50:19.01:midob 2020.028.09:50:19.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:50:19.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:50:19.01/wx/-11.4,1016.6,62, 5.2,139 2020.028.09:50:19.01:!2020.028.09:50:39 2020.028.09:50:39.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.09:50:39.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.09:50:39.05:postob 2020.028.09:50:39.05:scan_name=028-1007b,r1931,ns,137,137 2020.028.09:50:39.05:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.09:50:39.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.09:50:45.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.09:50:45.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.09:50:45.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.09:50:45.05:setupsx 2020.028.09:50:45.06/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.09:50:45.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:45.49?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.09:50:45.49?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.09:50:48.72:!2020.028.10:07:14 2020.028.09:51:39.45;cont 2020.028.09:53:03.12;onsource 2020.028.09:53:03.12?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.09:53:03.12/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.09:54:47.71;antenna=stop 2020.028.09:54:47.71#antcn#Received message for antenna: STOP 2020.028.09:54:47.71/antenna/Stopping 2020.028.09:54:51.96;antenna=standby 2020.028.09:54:51.96#antcn#Received message for antenna: STANDBY 2020.028.09:54:51.96/antenna/Parking 2020.028.09:55:20.18;antenna=boot 2020.028.09:55:20.18#antcn#Received message for antenna: BOOT 2020.028.09:55:20.18/antenna/Booting 2020.028.09:55:32.49;proc=point 2020.028.09:55:35.94;casa 2020.028.09:55:35.94&casa/source=casa,232324.8,+584859.,2000. 2020.028.09:55:35.94#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.09:55:41.94?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.09:55:41.94#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.09:57:02.69;antenna=stop 2020.028.09:57:02.69#antcn#Received message for antenna: STOP 2020.028.09:57:02.69/antenna/Stopping 2020.028.09:57:06.45;antenna=standby 2020.028.09:57:06.45#antcn#Received message for antenna: STANDBY 2020.028.09:57:06.45/antenna/Parking 2020.028.09:57:12.66;terminate 2020.028.09:57:12.66:*boss terminated 2020.028.09:57:58.77;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.13.2 2020.028.09:57:58.77;release,9.13.2 2020.028.09:57:58.77;location,NYAL13NS,11.86,78.94,53.7 2020.028.09:57:58.77;horizon1,0.,5.,360.,5. 2020.028.09:57:58.77;antenna,13.2,720.0,360.0,-50.0,490.0,2.0,89.0,azel 2020.028.09:57:58.77;equip,dbbc_ddc,flexbuff,none,none,500.10,3,a/d,101,60,20,none,40,1,in,8bit,cdp,3,return,v107,v15_1,1,1,1,1,15000,15000,15000,15000,32,vsi1 2020.028.09:57:58.77;time,0.000,1.000,rate 2020.028.09:57:58.77;flagr,200 2020.028.09:57:58.77;fsserver,disabled 2020.028.09:58:04.29;proc=r1931ns 2020.028.09:58:18.01;antenna=boot 2020.028.09:58:18.01#antcn#Received message for antenna: BOOT 2020.028.09:58:18.01/antenna/Booting 2020.028.10:00:03.64;schedule=r1931,#3082 2020.028.10:00:03.64?ERROR fm -1 Opening file: /usr2/sched/r1931.snp 2020.028.10:00:03.64?ERROR bo -105 Error opening schedule file, UNIX 2: No such file or directory 2020.028.10:00:09.30;schedule=r1931ns,#3082 2020.028.10:00:09.31:" R1931 2020 NYALE13S 1 Ns 2020.028.10:00:09.31:" 1 NYALE13S AZEL .0000 720.0 0 270.0 810.0 360.0 0 5.0 90.0 13.2 Ns Ns 2020.028.10:00:09.31:" Ns NYALE13S 1201071.41854 252129.53660 6238022.33843 00000000 2020.028.10:00:09.31:" Ns NYALE13S 14 17650 2020.028.10:00:09.31:" drudg version 2019Sep23 compiled under FS 9.13.02 2020.028.10:00:09.31:" Rack=DBBC_DDC Recorder 1=FlexBuff Recorder 2=none 2020.028.10:00:09.31:exper_initi 2020.028.10:00:09.31&exper_initi/proc_library 2020.028.10:00:09.31&exper_initi/sched_initi 2020.028.10:00:09.31&exper_initi/mk5=dts_id? 2020.028.10:00:09.31&exper_initi/mk5=os_rev? 2020.028.10:00:09.31&exper_initi/mk5_status 2020.028.10:00:09.31&exper_initi/dbbc=version 2020.028.10:00:09.31&proc_library/" r1931 nyale13s ns 2020.028.10:00:09.31&proc_library/" drudg version 2019sep23 compiled under fs 9.13.02 2020.028.10:00:09.31&proc_library/"< dbbc_ddc rack >< flexbuff recorder 1> 2020.028.10:00:09.31&sched_initi/"antenna=boot 2020.028.10:00:09.31&sched_initi/"mk5=mtu=8261 2020.028.10:00:09.31&sched_initi/mk5=mtu? 2020.028.10:00:09.31&sched_initi/tacd 2020.028.10:00:09.31&sched_initi/"dbbc=pps_delay 2020.028.10:00:09.31/mk5/!mtu? 0 : 8069 ; 2020.028.10:00:09.44/tacd/average,OLD,43857.417003,301,0.000699,18.476713,18.473248,18.474871 2020.028.10:00:09.44/mk5/!dts_id? 0 : - : 13-juni-2018 09h37m57s : 1 : flexbuffs : 0 : 0 : - : - : - ; 2020.028.10:00:09.44/mk5/!os_rev? 0 : Linux version 2.6.32-696.16.1.el6.centos.plus.x86_64 (mockbuild@c1bl.rdu2.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Wed Nov 15 18:52:54 UTC 2017 ; 2020.028.10:00:09.44/mk5_status/status,0x00000001 2020.028.10:00:09.44/dbbc/version/ DDC_V,124,November 07 2019; 2020.028.10:00:09.44:scan_name=028-1007b,r1931,ns,137,137 2020.028.10:00:09.44:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.10:00:09.44#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:00:15.44:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:00:15.44#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:00:15.44:setupsx 2020.028.10:00:15.44&setupsx/"pcalon 2020.028.10:00:15.44&setupsx/"tpicd=stop 2020.028.10:00:15.44&setupsx/"recorder may be wired to vsi1 or vsi2 2020.028.10:00:15.44&setupsx/mk5c_mode=vdif,0x55555555,,16.000 2020.028.10:00:15.44&setupsx/mk5c_mode 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/"form=geo 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/"form 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/dbbcsx8 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/ifdsx 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/"cont_cal=off 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/bbc_gain=all,agc 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/"tpicd=no,0 2020.028.10:00:15.45&setupsx/"tpicd 2020.028.10:00:15.45/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc01=132.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc02=172.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc03=272.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc04=432.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc05=652.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc06=772.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc07=812.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc08=852.99,a,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc09=525.99,b,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc10=545.99,b,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc11=565.99,b,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc12=595.99,b,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc13=645.99,b,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.45&dbbcsx8/bbc14=665.99,b,8.00 2020.028.10:00:15.47?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.47?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.50?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.50?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.53?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.53?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.56?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.56?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.61?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.61?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.64?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.64?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.67?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.67?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.70?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.70?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.73?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.73?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.76?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.76?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.80?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.80?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.83?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.83?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.86?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.86?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.89?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:00:15.89?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/ifa=1,agc,2,26000 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/ifb=1,agc,1,28000 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/ifc=1,agc,1,26000 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/ifd=1,agc,1,28000 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/lo= 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/lo=loa,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/lo=lob,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/lo=loc,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.10:00:15.89&ifdsx/lo=lod,1700.00,usb,rcp,1 2020.028.10:00:18.75:!2020.028.10:07:14 2020.028.10:07:14.00:preob 2020.028.10:07:14.00&preob/!* 2020.028.10:07:14.01&preob/onsource 2020.028.10:07:14.01&preob/"track 2020.028.10:07:14.01&preob/"!*+4s 2020.028.10:07:14.01&preob/"caltsys_man 2020.028.10:07:14.01&preob/"dbbcread 2020.028.10:07:14.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:07:14.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:07:14.01:!2020.028.10:07:24 2020.028.10:07:24.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:07:24.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:07:24.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1007b,352 2020.028.10:07:24.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:07:24.00:midob 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/onsource 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/wx 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"cable 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"ifa 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"ifb 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"ifc 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"ifd 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"bbc01 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"bbc05 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"bbc09 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"bbc13 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/" the shown order of the commands from here to the end of this procedure is 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/" strongly recommended 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/" add your station command to measure the gps to fm output clock offset 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/" gps-fmout=c2 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"fmout-gps 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"mk5b_mode 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"!+1s 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"mk5=dot? 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"mk5=bank_set? 2020.028.10:07:24.00&midob/"sy=run setcl adapt & 2020.028.10:07:24.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:07:24.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:07:24.00/wx/-13.9,1016.7,56, 4.9,138 2020.028.10:07:24.01:!2020.028.10:09:41 2020.028.10:09:41.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:09:41.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:09:41.00:postob 2020.028.10:09:41.00:scan_name=028-1012a,r1931,ns,225,225 2020.028.10:09:41.00:source=1705+018,170502.75,015238.4,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.10:09:41.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:09:47.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:09:47.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:09:47.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:09:47.00:setupsx 2020.028.10:09:47.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:09:47.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:47.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:09:47.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:09:50.49:!2020.028.10:12:11 2020.028.10:12:11.00:preob 2020.028.10:12:11.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:12:11.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:12:11.00:!2020.028.10:12:21 2020.028.10:12:21.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:12:21.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:12:21.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1012a,353 2020.028.10:12:21.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:12:21.00:midob 2020.028.10:12:21.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:12:21.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:12:21.00/wx/-13.9,1016.6,57, 4.2,157 2020.028.10:12:21.01:!2020.028.10:16:06 2020.028.10:16:06.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:16:06.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:16:06.00:postob 2020.028.10:16:06.00:scan_name=028-1021c,r1931,ns,74,74 2020.028.10:16:06.00:source=0642+449,064252.98,445430.9,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:16:06.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:16:12.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:16:12.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:16:12.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:16:12.00:setupsx 2020.028.10:16:12.00/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:16:12.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:12.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:16:12.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:16:15.44:!2020.028.10:21:48 2020.028.10:21:48.00:preob 2020.028.10:21:48.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:21:48.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:21:48.00:!2020.028.10:21:58 2020.028.10:21:58.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:21:58.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:21:58.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1021c,354 2020.028.10:21:58.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:21:58.00:midob 2020.028.10:21:58.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:21:58.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:21:58.00/wx/-12.8,1016.6,63, 5.1,163 2020.028.10:21:58.01:!2020.028.10:23:12 2020.028.10:23:12.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:23:12.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:23:12.00:postob 2020.028.10:23:12.00:scan_name=028-1025a,r1931,ns,204,204 2020.028.10:23:12.00:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:23:12.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:23:18.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:23:18.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:23:18.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:23:18.00:setupsx 2020.028.10:23:18.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:23:18.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:18.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:23:18.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:23:21.48:!2020.028.10:24:55 2020.028.10:24:55.00:preob 2020.028.10:24:55.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:24:55.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:24:55.00:!2020.028.10:25:05 2020.028.10:25:05.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:25:05.01:disk_record 2020.028.10:25:05.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1025a,355 2020.028.10:25:05.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:25:05.01:midob 2020.028.10:25:05.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:25:05.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:25:05.01/wx/-12.4,1016.6,59, 4.8,159 2020.028.10:25:05.01:!2020.028.10:28:29 2020.028.10:28:29.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:28:29.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:28:29.01:postob 2020.028.10:28:29.01:scan_name=028-1031,r1931,ns,37,37 2020.028.10:28:29.01:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:28:29.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:28:35.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:28:35.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:28:35.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:28:35.01:setupsx 2020.028.10:28:35.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:28:35.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:35.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:28:35.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:28:38.30:!2020.028.10:31:36 2020.028.10:31:36.00:preob 2020.028.10:31:36.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:31:36.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:31:36.00:!2020.028.10:31:46 2020.028.10:31:46.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:31:46.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:31:46.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1031,356 2020.028.10:31:46.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:31:46.00:midob 2020.028.10:31:46.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:31:46.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:31:46.00/wx/-13.6,1016.6,56, 2.9,185 2020.028.10:31:46.00:!2020.028.10:32:23 2020.028.10:32:23.01:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:32:23.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:32:23.01:postob 2020.028.10:32:23.01:scan_name=028-1035,r1931,ns,137,137 2020.028.10:32:23.01:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.10:32:23.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:32:29.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:32:29.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:32:29.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:32:29.01:setupsx 2020.028.10:32:29.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:32:29.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:29.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:32:29.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:32:32.20:!2020.028.10:35:26 2020.028.10:35:26.00:preob 2020.028.10:35:26.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:35:26.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:35:26.01:!2020.028.10:35:36 2020.028.10:35:36.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:35:36.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:35:36.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1035,357 2020.028.10:35:36.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:35:36.00:midob 2020.028.10:35:36.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:35:36.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:35:36.00/wx/-13.6,1016.6,55, 3.6,205 2020.028.10:35:36.00:!2020.028.10:37:53 2020.028.10:37:53.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:37:53.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:37:53.01:postob 2020.028.10:37:53.01:scan_name=028-1040,r1931,ns,225,225 2020.028.10:37:53.01:source=1705+018,170502.75,015238.4,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.10:37:53.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:37:59.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:37:59.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:37:59.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:37:59.01:setupsx 2020.028.10:37:59.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:37:59.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:37:59.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:37:59.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:38:02.26:!2020.028.10:40:35 2020.028.10:40:35.00:preob 2020.028.10:40:35.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:40:35.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:40:35.00:!2020.028.10:40:45 2020.028.10:40:45.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:40:45.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:40:45.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1040,358 2020.028.10:40:45.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:40:45.00:midob 2020.028.10:40:45.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:40:45.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:40:45.00/wx/-13.6,1016.6,58, 4.7,178 2020.028.10:40:45.00:!2020.028.10:44:30 2020.028.10:44:30.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:44:30.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:44:30.01:postob 2020.028.10:44:30.01:scan_name=028-1047,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.10:44:30.01:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:44:30.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:44:36.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:44:36.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:44:36.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:44:36.01:setupsx 2020.028.10:44:36.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:44:36.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.46?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.46?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.50?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.50?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:36.53?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:44:36.53?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:44:39.45:!2020.028.10:47:45 2020.028.10:47:45.00:preob 2020.028.10:47:45.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:47:45.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:47:45.00:!2020.028.10:47:55 2020.028.10:47:55.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:47:55.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:47:55.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1047,359 2020.028.10:47:55.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:47:55.00:midob 2020.028.10:47:55.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:47:55.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:47:55.00/wx/-13.8,1016.6,57, 4.1,197 2020.028.10:47:55.00:!2020.028.10:48:15 2020.028.10:48:15.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:48:15.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:48:15.06:postob 2020.028.10:48:15.06:scan_name=028-1051,r1931,ns,74,74 2020.028.10:48:15.06:source=0642+449,064252.98,445430.9,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:48:15.06#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:48:21.06?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:48:21.06#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:48:21.06:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:48:21.06:setupsx 2020.028.10:48:21.07/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:48:21.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.46?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.47?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:21.50?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:48:21.50?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:48:24.42:!2020.028.10:50:58 2020.028.10:50:58.00:preob 2020.028.10:50:58.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:50:58.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:50:58.00:!2020.028.10:51:08 2020.028.10:51:08.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:51:08.01:disk_record 2020.028.10:51:08.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1051,360 2020.028.10:51:08.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:51:08.01:midob 2020.028.10:51:08.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:51:08.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:51:08.01/wx/-13.3,1016.5,57, 3.5,170 2020.028.10:51:08.01:!2020.028.10:52:22 2020.028.10:52:22.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:52:22.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:52:22.00:postob 2020.028.10:52:22.00:scan_name=028-1053a,r1931,ns,177,177 2020.028.10:52:22.00:source=0743+277,074335.29,274222.8,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:52:22.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:52:28.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:52:28.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:52:28.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:52:28.01:setupsx 2020.028.10:52:28.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:52:28.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:28.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:52:28.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:52:31.52:!2020.028.10:52:55 2020.028.10:52:55.00:preob 2020.028.10:52:55.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:52:55.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:52:55.00:!2020.028.10:53:05 2020.028.10:53:05.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:53:05.00:disk_record 2020.028.10:53:05.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1053a,361 2020.028.10:53:05.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:53:05.00:midob 2020.028.10:53:05.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:53:05.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:53:05.00/wx/-13.3,1016.6,57, 3.6,177 2020.028.10:53:05.00:!2020.028.10:56:02 2020.028.10:56:02.01:data_valid=off 2020.028.10:56:02.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.10:56:02.01:postob 2020.028.10:56:02.01:scan_name=028-1059,r1931,ns,35,35 2020.028.10:56:02.01:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.10:56:02.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.10:56:08.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.10:56:08.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.10:56:08.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.10:56:08.01:setupsx 2020.028.10:56:08.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.10:56:08.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:08.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.10:56:08.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.10:56:11.42:!2020.028.10:59:18 2020.028.10:59:18.00:preob 2020.028.10:59:18.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:59:18.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:59:18.00:!2020.028.10:59:28 2020.028.10:59:28.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.10:59:28.01:disk_record 2020.028.10:59:28.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1059,362 2020.028.10:59:28.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.10:59:28.01:midob 2020.028.10:59:28.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.10:59:28.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.10:59:28.01/wx/-12.6,1016.6,57, 4.8,181 2020.028.10:59:28.01:!2020.028.11:00:03 2020.028.11:00:03.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:00:03.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:00:03.01:postob 2020.028.11:00:03.01:scan_name=028-1102b,r1931,ns,324,324 2020.028.11:00:03.01:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:00:03.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:00:09.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:00:09.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:00:09.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:00:09.01:setupsx 2020.028.11:00:09.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:00:09.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:09.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:00:09.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:00:12.27:!2020.028.11:02:32 2020.028.11:02:32.00:preob 2020.028.11:02:32.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:02:32.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:02:32.00:!2020.028.11:02:42 2020.028.11:02:42.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:02:42.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:02:42.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1102b,363 2020.028.11:02:42.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:02:42.00:midob 2020.028.11:02:42.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:02:42.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:02:42.00/wx/-13.5,1016.6,54, 4.4,198 2020.028.11:02:42.00:!2020.028.11:08:06 2020.028.11:08:06.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:08:06.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:08:06.01:postob 2020.028.11:08:06.01:scan_name=028-1109,r1931,ns,45,45 2020.028.11:08:06.01:source=0017+200,001702.12,200506.6,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:08:06.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:08:12.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:08:12.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:08:12.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:08:12.01:setupsx 2020.028.11:08:12.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:08:12.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:12.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:08:12.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:08:15.39:!2020.028.11:09:21 2020.028.11:09:21.00:preob 2020.028.11:09:21.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:09:21.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:09:21.00:!2020.028.11:09:31 2020.028.11:09:31.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:09:31.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:09:31.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1109,364 2020.028.11:09:31.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:09:31.00:midob 2020.028.11:09:31.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:09:31.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:09:31.01/wx/-13.1,1016.5,56, 2.9,190 2020.028.11:09:31.01:!2020.028.11:10:16 2020.028.11:10:16.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:10:16.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:10:16.00:postob 2020.028.11:10:16.00:scan_name=028-1112,r1931,ns,225,225 2020.028.11:10:16.00:source=1705+018,170502.75,015238.4,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:10:16.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:10:22.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:10:22.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:10:22.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:10:22.00:setupsx 2020.028.11:10:22.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:10:22.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:22.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:10:22.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:10:25.50:!2020.028.11:12:31 2020.028.11:12:31.00:preob 2020.028.11:12:31.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:12:31.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:12:31.00:!2020.028.11:12:41 2020.028.11:12:41.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:12:41.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:12:41.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1112,365 2020.028.11:12:41.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:12:41.00:midob 2020.028.11:12:41.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:12:41.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:12:41.00/wx/-14.0,1016.5,56, 3.2,172 2020.028.11:12:41.01:!2020.028.11:16:26 2020.028.11:16:26.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:16:26.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:16:26.00:postob 2020.028.11:16:26.00:scan_name=028-1124,r1931,ns,33,33 2020.028.11:16:26.00:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,cw 2020.028.11:16:26.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:16:32.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:16:32.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:16:32.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:16:32.00:setupsx 2020.028.11:16:32.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:16:32.02?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.02?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:32.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:16:32.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:16:35.39:!2020.028.11:24:48 2020.028.11:24:48.00:preob 2020.028.11:24:48.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:24:48.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:24:48.00:!2020.028.11:24:58 2020.028.11:24:58.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:24:58.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:24:58.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1124,366 2020.028.11:24:58.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:24:58.00:midob 2020.028.11:24:58.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:24:58.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:24:58.00/wx/-13.6,1016.5,54, 2.7,184 2020.028.11:24:58.01:!2020.028.11:25:31 2020.028.11:25:31.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:25:31.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:25:31.02:postob 2020.028.11:25:31.02:scan_name=028-1127,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.11:25:31.02:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:25:31.02#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:25:37.02?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:25:37.02#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:25:37.02:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:25:37.02:setupsx 2020.028.11:25:37.02/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:25:37.05?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.05?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:37.46?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:25:37.46?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:25:40.31:!2020.028.11:27:06 2020.028.11:27:06.00:preob 2020.028.11:27:06.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:27:06.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:27:06.00:!2020.028.11:27:16 2020.028.11:27:16.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:27:16.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:27:16.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1127,367 2020.028.11:27:16.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:27:16.00:midob 2020.028.11:27:16.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:27:16.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:27:16.00/wx/-12.7,1016.4,54, 3.5,157 2020.028.11:27:16.01:!2020.028.11:27:36 2020.028.11:27:36.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:27:36.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:27:36.05:postob 2020.028.11:27:36.05:scan_name=028-1129b,r1931,ns,45,45 2020.028.11:27:36.05:source=2229+695,222911.70,693102.3,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:27:36.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:27:42.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:27:42.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:27:42.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:27:42.05:setupsx 2020.028.11:27:42.05/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:27:42.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.46?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.46?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:42.49?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:27:42.49?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:27:45.38:!2020.028.11:29:06 2020.028.11:29:06.01:preob 2020.028.11:29:06.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:29:06.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:29:06.01:!2020.028.11:29:16 2020.028.11:29:16.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:29:16.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:29:16.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1129b,368 2020.028.11:29:16.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:29:16.00:midob 2020.028.11:29:16.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:29:16.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:29:16.00/wx/-12.9,1016.4,53, 3.1,188 2020.028.11:29:16.00:!2020.028.11:30:01 2020.028.11:30:01.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:30:01.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:30:01.01:postob 2020.028.11:30:01.01:scan_name=028-1133,r1931,ns,324,324 2020.028.11:30:01.01:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:30:01.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:30:07.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:30:07.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:30:07.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:30:07.01:setupsx 2020.028.11:30:07.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:30:07.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:07.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:30:07.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:30:10.29:!2020.028.11:33:44 2020.028.11:33:44.00:preob 2020.028.11:33:44.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:33:44.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:33:44.00:!2020.028.11:33:54 2020.028.11:33:54.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:33:54.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:33:54.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1133,369 2020.028.11:33:54.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:33:54.00:midob 2020.028.11:33:54.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:33:54.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:33:54.01/wx/-13.6,1016.4,56, 4.0,198 2020.028.11:33:54.01:!2020.028.11:39:18 2020.028.11:39:18.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:39:18.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:39:18.00:postob 2020.028.11:39:18.00:scan_name=028-1150,r1931,ns,62,62 2020.028.11:39:18.00:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:39:18.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:39:24.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:39:24.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:39:24.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:39:24.00:setupsx 2020.028.11:39:24.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:39:24.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:24.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:39:24.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:39:27.38:!2020.028.11:50:40 2020.028.11:50:40.00:preob 2020.028.11:50:40.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:50:40.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:50:40.00:!2020.028.11:50:50 2020.028.11:50:50.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:50:50.01:disk_record 2020.028.11:50:50.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1150,370 2020.028.11:50:50.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:50:50.01:midob 2020.028.11:50:50.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:50:50.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:50:50.01/wx/-14.9,1016.4,57, 3.7,184 2020.028.11:50:50.01:!2020.028.11:51:52 2020.028.11:51:52.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:51:52.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:51:52.01:postob 2020.028.11:51:52.01:scan_name=028-1154a,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.11:51:52.01:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:51:52.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:51:58.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:51:58.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:51:58.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:51:58.01:setupsx 2020.028.11:51:58.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:51:58.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:51:58.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:51:58.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:52:01.46:!2020.028.11:53:56 2020.028.11:53:56.00:preob 2020.028.11:53:56.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:53:56.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:53:56.00:!2020.028.11:54:06 2020.028.11:54:06.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:54:06.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:54:06.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1154a,371 2020.028.11:54:06.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:54:06.00:midob 2020.028.11:54:06.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:54:06.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:54:06.00/wx/-13.5,1016.3,60, 4.9,164 2020.028.11:54:06.01:!2020.028.11:54:26 2020.028.11:54:26.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:54:26.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:54:26.05:postob 2020.028.11:54:26.05:scan_name=028-1156a,r1931,ns,57,57 2020.028.11:54:26.05:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.11:54:26.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:54:32.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:54:32.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:54:32.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:54:32.05:setupsx 2020.028.11:54:32.05/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:54:32.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:32.48?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:54:32.48?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:54:35.41:!2020.028.11:55:56 2020.028.11:55:56.00:preob 2020.028.11:55:56.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:55:56.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:55:56.00:!2020.028.11:56:06 2020.028.11:56:06.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.11:56:06.00:disk_record 2020.028.11:56:06.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1156a,372 2020.028.11:56:06.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.11:56:06.01:midob 2020.028.11:56:06.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.11:56:06.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.11:56:06.01/wx/-13.9,1016.3,57, 3.8,160 2020.028.11:56:06.01:!2020.028.11:57:03 2020.028.11:57:03.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.11:57:03.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.11:57:03.00:postob 2020.028.11:57:03.00:scan_name=028-1201,r1931,ns,32,32 2020.028.11:57:03.00:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,cw 2020.028.11:57:03.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.11:57:09.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.11:57:09.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.11:57:09.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.11:57:09.00:setupsx 2020.028.11:57:09.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.11:57:09.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:09.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.11:57:09.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.11:57:12.46:!2020.028.12:00:56 2020.028.12:00:56.00:preob 2020.028.12:00:56.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:00:56.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:00:56.00:!2020.028.12:01:06 2020.028.12:01:06.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:01:06.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:01:06.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1201,373 2020.028.12:01:06.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:01:06.00:midob 2020.028.12:01:06.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:01:06.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:01:06.00/wx/-14.8,1016.3,60, 4.8,184 2020.028.12:01:06.00:!2020.028.12:01:38 2020.028.12:01:38.01:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:01:38.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:01:38.01:postob 2020.028.12:01:38.01:scan_name=028-1203b,r1931,ns,65,65 2020.028.12:01:38.01:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:01:38.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:01:44.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:01:44.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:01:44.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:01:44.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:01:44.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:01:44.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:44.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:01:44.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:01:47.31:!2020.028.12:03:36 2020.028.12:03:36.00:preob 2020.028.12:03:36.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:03:36.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:03:36.01:!2020.028.12:03:46 2020.028.12:03:46.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:03:46.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:03:46.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1203b,374 2020.028.12:03:46.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:03:46.00:midob 2020.028.12:03:46.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:03:46.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:03:46.00/wx/-13.1,1016.3,59, 5.1,179 2020.028.12:03:46.00:!2020.028.12:04:51 2020.028.12:04:51.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:04:51.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:04:51.01:postob 2020.028.12:04:51.01:scan_name=028-1212,r1931,ns,128,128 2020.028.12:04:51.01:source=0017+200,001702.12,200506.6,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:04:51.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:04:57.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:04:57.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:04:57.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:04:57.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:04:57.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:04:57.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:04:57.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:04:57.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:05:00.38:!2020.028.12:12:03 2020.028.12:12:03.00:preob 2020.028.12:12:03.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:12:03.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:12:03.00:!2020.028.12:12:13 2020.028.12:12:13.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:12:13.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:12:13.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1212,375 2020.028.12:12:13.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:12:13.00:midob 2020.028.12:12:13.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:12:13.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:12:13.00/wx/-14.3,1016.2,58, 5.4,190 2020.028.12:12:13.00:!2020.028.12:14:21 2020.028.12:14:21.01:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:14:21.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:14:21.01:postob 2020.028.12:14:21.01:scan_name=028-1216a,r1931,ns,62,62 2020.028.12:14:21.01:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:14:21.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:14:27.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:14:27.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:14:27.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:14:27.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:14:27.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:14:27.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:27.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:14:27.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:14:30.23:!2020.028.12:15:54 2020.028.12:15:54.00:preob 2020.028.12:15:54.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:15:54.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:15:54.00:!2020.028.12:16:04 2020.028.12:16:04.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:16:04.01:disk_record 2020.028.12:16:04.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1216a,376 2020.028.12:16:04.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:16:04.01:midob 2020.028.12:16:04.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:16:04.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:16:04.01/wx/-13.0,1016.3,57, 4.1,173 2020.028.12:16:04.01:!2020.028.12:17:06 2020.028.12:17:06.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:17:06.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:17:06.01:postob 2020.028.12:17:06.01:scan_name=028-1220,r1931,ns,58,58 2020.028.12:17:06.01:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:17:06.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:17:12.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:17:12.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:17:12.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:17:12.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:17:12.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:17:12.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:12.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:17:12.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:17:15.69:!2020.028.12:20:29 2020.028.12:20:29.00:preob 2020.028.12:20:29.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:20:29.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:20:29.00:!2020.028.12:20:39 2020.028.12:20:39.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:20:39.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:20:39.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1220,377 2020.028.12:20:39.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:20:39.00:midob 2020.028.12:20:39.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:20:39.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:20:39.00/wx/-12.7,1016.3,60, 4.5,158 2020.028.12:20:39.00:!2020.028.12:21:37 2020.028.12:21:37.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:21:37.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:21:37.01:postob 2020.028.12:21:37.01:scan_name=028-1225a,r1931,ns,234,234 2020.028.12:21:37.01:source=2000+472,200039.26,471702.3,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:21:37.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:21:43.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:21:43.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:21:43.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:21:43.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:21:43.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:21:43.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:43.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:21:43.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:21:46.37:!2020.028.12:25:40 2020.028.12:25:40.00:preob 2020.028.12:25:40.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:25:40.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:25:40.00:!2020.028.12:25:50 2020.028.12:25:50.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:25:50.01:disk_record 2020.028.12:25:50.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1225a,378 2020.028.12:25:50.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:25:50.01:midob 2020.028.12:25:50.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:25:50.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:25:50.01/wx/-10.2,1016.2,59, 6.0,136 2020.028.12:25:50.01:!2020.028.12:29:44 2020.028.12:29:44.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:29:44.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:29:44.00:postob 2020.028.12:29:44.00:scan_name=028-1232a,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.12:29:44.01:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:29:44.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:29:50.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:29:50.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:29:50.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:29:50.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:29:50.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:29:50.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:50.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:29:50.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:29:53.46:!2020.028.12:32:40 2020.028.12:32:40.00:preob 2020.028.12:32:40.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:32:40.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:32:40.00:!2020.028.12:32:50 2020.028.12:32:50.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:32:50.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:32:50.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1232a,379 2020.028.12:32:50.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:32:50.00:midob 2020.028.12:32:50.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:32:50.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:32:50.00/wx/-9.9,1016.1,55, 5.6,159 2020.028.12:32:50.00:!2020.028.12:33:10 2020.028.12:33:10.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:33:10.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:33:10.05:postob 2020.028.12:33:10.05:scan_name=028-1234,r1931,ns,46,46 2020.028.12:33:10.05:source=2229+695,222911.70,693102.3,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:33:10.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:33:16.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:33:16.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:33:16.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:33:16.05:setupsx 2020.028.12:33:16.06/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:33:16.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.46?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.46?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:16.49?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:33:16.49?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:33:19.67:!2020.028.12:34:39 2020.028.12:34:39.00:preob 2020.028.12:34:39.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:34:39.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:34:39.00:!2020.028.12:34:49 2020.028.12:34:49.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:34:49.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:34:49.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1234,380 2020.028.12:34:49.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:34:49.00:midob 2020.028.12:34:49.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:34:49.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:34:49.00/wx/-10.3,1016.1,56, 6.4,145 2020.028.12:34:49.00:!2020.028.12:35:35 2020.028.12:35:35.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:35:35.01:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:35:35.01:postob 2020.028.12:35:35.01:scan_name=028-1242c,r1931,ns,286,286 2020.028.12:35:35.01:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.12:35:35.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:35:41.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:35:41.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:35:41.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:35:41.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:35:41.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:35:41.04?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.04?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.07?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:41.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:35:41.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:35:44.18:!2020.028.12:42:14 2020.028.12:42:14.00:preob 2020.028.12:42:14.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:42:14.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:42:14.00:!2020.028.12:42:24 2020.028.12:42:24.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:42:24.01:disk_record 2020.028.12:42:24.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1242c,381 2020.028.12:42:24.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:42:24.01:midob 2020.028.12:42:24.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:42:24.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:42:24.01/wx/-9.8,1016.1,60, 6.6,152 2020.028.12:42:24.01:!2020.028.12:47:10 2020.028.12:47:10.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:47:10.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:47:10.01:postob 2020.028.12:47:10.01:scan_name=028-1250b,r1931,ns,145,145 2020.028.12:47:10.01:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:47:10.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:47:16.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:47:16.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:47:16.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:47:16.01:setupsx 2020.028.12:47:16.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:47:16.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:16.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:47:16.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:47:19.46:!2020.028.12:50:16 2020.028.12:50:16.00:preob 2020.028.12:50:16.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:50:16.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:50:16.00:!2020.028.12:50:26 2020.028.12:50:26.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:50:26.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:50:26.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1250b,382 2020.028.12:50:26.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:50:26.00:midob 2020.028.12:50:26.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:50:26.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:50:26.01/wx/-9.6,1016.0,58, 7.3,135 2020.028.12:50:26.01:!2020.028.12:52:51 2020.028.12:52:51.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:52:51.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:52:51.00:postob 2020.028.12:52:51.00:scan_name=028-1257b,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.12:52:51.00:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:52:51.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:52:57.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:52:57.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:52:57.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:52:57.00:setupsx 2020.028.12:52:57.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:52:57.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:52:57.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:52:57.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:53:00.50:!2020.028.12:57:16 2020.028.12:57:16.00:preob 2020.028.12:57:16.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:57:16.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:57:16.01:!2020.028.12:57:26 2020.028.12:57:26.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.12:57:26.00:disk_record 2020.028.12:57:26.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1257b,383 2020.028.12:57:26.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.12:57:26.00:midob 2020.028.12:57:26.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.12:57:26.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.12:57:26.00/wx/-9.9,1016.0,54, 5.5,153 2020.028.12:57:26.00:!2020.028.12:57:46 2020.028.12:57:46.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.12:57:46.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.12:57:46.04:postob 2020.028.12:57:46.05:scan_name=028-1300a,r1931,ns,137,137 2020.028.12:57:46.05:source=1732+389,173240.52,385947.0,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.12:57:46.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.12:57:52.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.12:57:52.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.12:57:52.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.12:57:52.05:setupsx 2020.028.12:57:52.05/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.12:57:52.08?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.08?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.11?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.11?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.14?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.14?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.17?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.17?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.33?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.33?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.36?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.36?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.39?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.39?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.42?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.42?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:52.48?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.12:57:52.48?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.12:57:55.39:!2020.028.13:00:23 2020.028.13:00:23.00:preob 2020.028.13:00:23.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:00:23.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:00:23.00:!2020.028.13:00:33 2020.028.13:00:33.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.13:00:33.00:disk_record 2020.028.13:00:33.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1300a,384 2020.028.13:00:33.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.13:00:33.00:midob 2020.028.13:00:33.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:00:33.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:00:33.00/wx/-10.3,1015.9,55, 5.4,150 2020.028.13:00:33.00:!2020.028.13:02:50 2020.028.13:02:50.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.13:02:50.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.13:02:50.01:postob 2020.028.13:02:50.01:scan_name=028-1309b,r1931,ns,137,137 2020.028.13:02:50.01:source=0017+200,001702.12,200506.6,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.13:02:50.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.13:02:56.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.13:02:56.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.13:02:56.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.13:02:56.01:setupsx 2020.028.13:02:56.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.13:02:56.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:56.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:02:56.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:02:59.41:!2020.028.13:09:26 2020.028.13:09:26.00:preob 2020.028.13:09:26.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:09:26.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:09:26.00:!2020.028.13:09:36 2020.028.13:09:36.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.13:09:36.00:disk_record 2020.028.13:09:36.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1309b,385 2020.028.13:09:36.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.13:09:36.00:midob 2020.028.13:09:36.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:09:36.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:09:36.00/wx/-9.7,1015.9,57, 7.6,118 2020.028.13:09:36.01:!2020.028.13:11:53 2020.028.13:11:53.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.13:11:53.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.13:11:53.00:postob 2020.028.13:11:53.00:scan_name=028-1318a,r1931,ns,145,145 2020.028.13:11:53.00:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.13:11:53.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.13:11:59.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.13:11:59.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.13:11:59.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.13:11:59.00:setupsx 2020.028.13:11:59.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.13:11:59.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:11:59.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:11:59.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:12:02.34:!2020.028.13:17:55 2020.028.13:17:55.00:preob 2020.028.13:17:55.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:17:55.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:17:55.00:!2020.028.13:18:05 2020.028.13:18:05.01:disk_record=on 2020.028.13:18:05.01:disk_record 2020.028.13:18:05.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1318a,386 2020.028.13:18:05.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.13:18:05.01:midob 2020.028.13:18:05.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:18:05.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:18:05.01/wx/-9.3,1015.9,57, 8.7,127 2020.028.13:18:05.01:!2020.028.13:20:30 2020.028.13:20:30.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.13:20:30.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.13:20:30.07:postob 2020.028.13:20:30.07:scan_name=028-1323a,r1931,ns,20,20 2020.028.13:20:30.07:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.13:20:30.07#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.13:20:36.07?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.13:20:36.07#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.13:20:36.07:"checkmk5 2020.028.13:20:36.07:setupsx 2020.028.13:20:36.08/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.13:20:36.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.20?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.20?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.23?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.23?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.26?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.26?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.29?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.29?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.32?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.45?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.45?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.48?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.48?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:36.51?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:20:36.51?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:20:39.43:!2020.028.13:22:55 2020.028.13:22:55.00:preob 2020.028.13:22:55.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:22:55.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:22:55.01:!2020.028.13:23:05 2020.028.13:23:05.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.13:23:05.00:disk_record 2020.028.13:23:05.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1323a,387 2020.028.13:23:05.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.13:23:05.00:midob 2020.028.13:23:05.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:23:05.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:23:05.00/wx/-9.3,1015.9,58, 8.2,131 2020.028.13:23:05.00:!2020.028.13:23:25 2020.028.13:23:25.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.13:23:25.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.13:23:25.05:postob 2020.028.13:23:25.05:scan_name=028-1337,r1931,ns,93,93 2020.028.13:23:25.05:source=0642+449,064252.98,445430.9,1950.0,ccw 2020.028.13:23:25.05#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.13:23:31.05?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.13:23:31.05#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.13:23:31.05:"checkmk5 2020.028.13:23:31.06:setupsx 2020.028.13:23:31.06/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.13:23:31.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.15?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.15?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.18?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.18?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.21?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.21?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.24?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.24?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.27?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.27?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.30?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.30?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.40?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.40?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.43?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.43?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.46?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.46?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:31.49?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:23:31.49?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:23:34.42:!2020.028.13:37:02 2020.028.13:37:02.00:preob 2020.028.13:37:02.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:37:02.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:37:02.00:!2020.028.13:37:12 2020.028.13:37:12.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.13:37:12.00:disk_record 2020.028.13:37:12.00/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1337,388 2020.028.13:37:12.00:data_valid=on 2020.028.13:37:12.00:midob 2020.028.13:37:12.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:37:12.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:37:12.00/wx/-9.0,1015.9,58, 7.7,115 2020.028.13:37:12.01:!2020.028.13:38:45 2020.028.13:38:45.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.13:38:45.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.13:38:45.00:postob 2020.028.13:38:45.00:scan_name=028-1345,r1931,ns,145,145 2020.028.13:38:45.00:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2020.028.13:38:45.00#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.13:38:51.00?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.13:38:51.00#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.13:38:51.00:"checkmk5 2020.028.13:38:51.00:setupsx 2020.028.13:38:51.00/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.13:38:51.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.07?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.10?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.10?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.13?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.13?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.32?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.35?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.35?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.38?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.38?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:51.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:38:51.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:38:54.38:!2020.028.13:45:16 2020.028.13:45:16.00:preob 2020.028.13:45:16.00?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:45:16.00/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:45:16.00:!2020.028.13:45:26 2020.028.13:45:26.00:disk_record=on 2020.028.13:45:26.01:disk_record 2020.028.13:45:26.01/disk_record/on,r1931_ns_028-1345,389 2020.028.13:45:26.01:data_valid=on 2020.028.13:45:26.01:midob 2020.028.13:45:26.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2020.028.13:45:26.01/onsource/SLEWING 2020.028.13:45:26.01/wx/-8.7,1015.9,54, 8.5,118 2020.028.13:45:26.01:!2020.028.13:47:51 2020.028.13:47:51.00:data_valid=off 2020.028.13:47:51.00:disk_record=off 2020.028.13:47:51.00:postob 2020.028.13:47:51.01:scan_name=028-1352b,r1931,ns,33,33 2020.028.13:47:51.01:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,cw 2020.028.13:47:51.01#antcn#Commanding to a new source/new offsets 2020.028.13:47:57.01?ERROR fl -1 Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded 2020.028.13:47:57.01#flagr#flagr/antenna,new-source 2020.028.13:47:57.01:"checkmk5 2020.028.13:47:57.01:setupsx 2020.028.13:47:57.01/mk5c_mode/VDIF_8000-256-16-1,,,(16.),VDIF,16,16.,8000 2020.028.13:47:57.03?ERROR db -200 dbbc001/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.03?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.06?ERROR db -200 dbbc002/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.06?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.09?ERROR db -200 dbbc003/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.09?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.12?ERROR db -200 dbbc004/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.12?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.16?ERROR db -200 dbbc005/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.16?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.19?ERROR db -200 dbbc006/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.19?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.22?ERROR db -200 dbbc007/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.22?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.25?ERROR db -200 dbbc008/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.25?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.28?ERROR db -200 dbbc009/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.28?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.31?ERROR db -200 dbbc010/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.31?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.34?ERROR db -200 dbbc011/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.34?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.37?ERROR db -200 dbbc012/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.37?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.41?ERROR db -200 dbbc013/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.41?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:47:57.44?ERROR db -200 dbbc014/ ERROR bandwidth of 8 MHz not supported in this version; 2020.028.13:47:57.44?ERROR db -201 dbbcn: ERROR response from DBBC, see db -200 error for text. 2020.028.13:48:00.32:!2020.028.13:52:36 2020.028.13:48:29.98;halt 2020.028.13:48:49.69;terminate 2020.028.13:48:49.69:*boss terminated