Session Notes for R&D (Research and Development) session: rd2005 Prepared by J. Gipson, NVI, Inc./GSFC This schedule is the first of 3 mixed-mode sessions (mixed S/X and VGOS network) in 2020. The primary purpose of these sessions is to tie the S/X and VGOS frames together. The VGOS (and broadband) stations in schedule are: GGAO12M, ISHIOKA, KOKEE12M, MACGO12M, ONSA13NE, ONSA12Sw, RAEGYEB, WESTFORD, and WETTS13S. The S/X stations are: FORTLEZA, HARTRAO, HOBART26, NYALES20, ONSALA60, WETTZELL, KOKEE, and YEBES40M. Note that ONSALA60, WETTZELL, KOKEE, and YEBES40M have co-located VGOS stations. We plan on doing a phase-delay solution to tie the co-located VGOS and S/X stations together. The pressence of the southern stations--FORTLEZA, HARTRAO, and HOBART26--will help orient the S/X and VGOS frames. This session was orignally scheduled to observe Gaia transfer sources before it was repurposed to support the ITRF2020 effort. It was possible, however, to include the following Gaia sources in this session: 0237+040, 0722+145, 0954+658, 1758+388, 1800+440, 1823+568, 1933-400, and 2329-384. After the schedule was made, the Sked FILL command was used to decrease the idle time at both S/X and VGOS stations. To stations the fill command was used for only part of the session. =========================================================== ----- Parameter listing -------------------------------------- Experiment: RD2005_G Description IVS-R&D-5 Scheduler: NASA Correlator: WASH Start: 2020-176-18:00:00 End: 2020-177-18:00:00 Current yyyyddd: 2020176 (2020.48) ( 19025 MJD, WED. 24JUN.) Greenwich sidereal time: 12:13:23 (18:00:00 UT) Sun's RA and DEC: 6h 16.0m 23d 23.1 =========================================================== Important Station Information Ny Alesund and Wettzell-South will observe with warm receivers during this session. =========================================================== There are no observations for Kokee and Wettzell from 18:20 U.T. to 19:40 U.T. Kokee and Wettzell will participate in the intensive session during this period. There are no observations for Wettzell from 15:50 U.T. to the end of the schedule. Wettzell will participate in a two hour intensive with Wettzell-North and AGGO during this period. =========================================================== First observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ys 1144+402 20176-180000| 297 300 240 288 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 274| 2318+049 20176-180000| 240 297 279 297 | =========================================================== Last observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ys 0133+476 20177-154903| 263 300 300 300 40 276 40 235 40 300 148| 0748+126 20177-155417| 290 183 249 290 213 95 195 214 40 126 41 122| 1803+784 20177-155800| 64 51 40 71 40 62 40 40 40 71| NRAO512 20177-155923| 122 122 40 122 122 40 40 | 2113+293 20177-155939| 41 40 41 | 0420+022 20177-155952| 182 182 182 | 1243-072 20177-160229| 276 199 108 276 276 59 99 140| 3C446 20177-160320| 174 165 85 169 174 | 0059+581 20177-160639| 168 99 40 153 168 40 40 40 168 40 55| 1417+385 20177-160853| 140 177 300 40 300 300 40 40 297| 0104-408 20177-160941| 45 45 45 | 0727-115 20177-161044| 40 256 256 256 | 1954-388 20177-161236| 40 40 40 | 2126-158 20177-161443| 100 100 100 100 | OJ287 20177-161540| 75 111 40 130 201 40 201 201 40 85 40 173| 0019+058 20177-161821| 258 138 235 258 258 249 | 1324+224 20177-162009| 267 87 300 300 115 300 300 63 71 153| 2329-384 20177-162304| 75 111 111 | 1144+402 20177-162341| 183 40 40 40 183 40 183| 1751+288 20177-162720| 140 140 135 132 40 140 140 40 | 0648-165 20177-162830| 159 85 124 159 40 151 47| 0059+581 20177-163043| 53 59 41 69 41 69 69 40 69 69 40| 2309+454 20177-163211| 289 268 192 289 289 283 283 236 289 247 | 0920-397 20177-163309| 106 87 106 106| 0727-115 20177-163654| 95 95 40 42 44 40| 1546+027 20177-163719| 47 85 95 95 47 | 0420+022 20177-163758| 64 102 102 | 0920+390 20177-163804| 40 94 57 94 | 1803+784 20177-163918| 122 56 122 122 52 56| 0133+476 20177-164009| 63 42 71 66 71 40 71 | 1030+415 20177-164153| 221 121 241 241 224 224 231 221 123 224 184| 1929+226 20177-164213| 145 184 184 184 | OJ287 20177-164558| 67 40 40 63 63 58 76 63 76| 2113+293 20177-164606| 51 51 51 51 | 0552+398 20177-164655| 48 76 76 | 1100+122 20177-164721| 79 103 79 97 103 | 0434-188 20177-164809| 112 112 89 | 1749+096 20177-164906| 40 40 40 | 1144+402 20177-164925| 80 40 80 125 76 121 125 52| 0202+319 20177-165027| 47 53 41 53 53 40 | 0613+570 20177-165157| 131 126 132 153 300 300 156 156 300 151 132 156 113| 1741-038 20177-165447| 40 40 40 | 0059+581 20177-165453| 298 74 205 300 300 300 300 300 298| 0017+200 20177-165844| 300 300 300 300 300 | 0808+019 20177-170230| 300 249 290 300 178 258 235 175 295 179 105| 1803+784 20177-170556| 67 46 84 98 43 40 44 98| 0748+126 20177-170706| 54 69 69 54 69 69 | 2113+293 20177-170741| 95 95 95 95 | 0133+476 20177-170839| 62 62 62 40 62 | OJ287 20177-170911| 40 40 176 176 154 65 137| 1823+568 20177-171003| 140 42 150 150 127 150 | 0307+380 20177-171043| 40 40 40 | 2126-158 20177-171201| 217 217 217 | 1053+704 20177-171256| 300 233 227 231 242 262 207 235 300 241 117| 1546+027 20177-171732| 40 69 69 64 69 40| 0552+398 20177-171742| 40 76 109 109 76 109 78 | 0920+390 20177-171910| 40 73 67 73 73 | 0059+581 20177-171955| 240 300 300 300 150 199 160 40| NRAO512 20177-172054| 42 133 125 133 | 0805+410 20177-172337| 258 203 258 235 258 195 239 181 244 162| 1741-038 20177-172435| 40 40 40 | 3C446 20177-172754| 40 40 40 40 | 0215+015 20177-172803| 79 79 79 | 1351-018 20177-172808| 161 40 98 161 40| 0727-115 20177-173014| 73 228 40 228 228 228| 1749+096 20177-173111| 40 40 195 164 290 290 164 290 | 0003-066 20177-173121| 167 203 203 | 0017+200 20177-173505| 261 119 171 147 179 261 261 | 1213-172 20177-173625| 227 90 262 262 227 258 261 219| 0019+058 20177-173824| 142 68 55 77 142 | 0035-252 20177-174003| 45 63 63 | 1546+027 20177-174108| 42 41 83 94 42 92 94 40| 1418+546 20177-174129| 40 40 40 | 2318+049 20177-174202| 51 51 51 | 2113+293 20177-174254| 57 57 57 57 | 1803+784 20177-174307| 44 44 80 78 40 80 44| 1144+402 20177-174433| 123 123 123 62 | 1751+288 20177-174449| 44 207 207 55 55 192 51 54 207| 0104-408 20177-174515| 43 43 43 | 1100+122 20177-174611| 133 133 183 183 | 0434-188 20177-174704| 97 97 70 | 1929+226 20177-174853| 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 | 2309+454 20177-174911| 300 300 300 300 | 1255-316 20177-174941| 228 97 300 300 228| 1417+385 20177-175529| 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271| =========================================================== SKED Summary from file ./rd2005.skd for experiment RD2005_G (all scans with at least one subnet station) Average number of obs. per baseline per source(normalized by up-time) = 8.0 Min = 0.0 Max = 180.0 (Baseline Is-Ws on 1213-172) RMS = 9.1 Total time: 1440 minutes ( 24.0 hours). Key: Ft=FORTLEZA Gs=GGAO12M Hh=HARTRAO Ho=HOBART26 Is=ISHIOKA Kk=KOKEE K2=KOKEE12M MG=MACGO12M Ny=NYALES20 Oe=ONSA13NE Ow=ONSA13SW On=ONSALA60 Yj=RAEGYEB Wf=WESTFORD Ws=WETTZ13S Wz=WETTZELL Ys=YEBES40M Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ys Avg % obs. time: 46 67 35 34 58 51 63 59 64 67 68 64 69 66 68 61 55 59 % cal. time: 3 5 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 6 5 4 6 5 6 5 5 4 % slew time: 32 13 50 35 9 25 3 3 18 4 4 23 6 20 4 13 33 18 % idle time: 18 14 11 27 27 19 28 33 13 22 22 8 19 9 21 20 6 19 total # scans: 226 415 265 262 433 398 391 305 332 481 433 367 481 404 500 427 448 386 # scans/hour : 9 17 11 11 18 17 16 13 14 20 18 15 20 17 21 18 19 16 Avg scan (sec): 177 140 115 111 115 111 140 168 166 121 136 150 123 141 117 124 106 132 # data tracks: 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 # Mk5 tracks: 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Total TB(M5): 2.6 59.3 1.9 1.9 50.9 2.8 56.1 52.6 3.5 59.7 60.5 3.5 60.7 58.1 60.1 3.4 3.0 31.8 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ys Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ft| 144 114 9 31 44 45 66 99 142 138 121 180 157 157 131 173 1751 Gs| 92 13 147 168 164 210 193 249 240 190 254 356 248 210 235 3113 Hh| 67 88 0 0 28 91 177 155 134 203 90 203 172 197 1811 Ho| 188 170 170 33 26 42 38 28 19 12 49 46 18 928 Is| 252 239 99 159 215 195 146 169 127 204 175 160 2594 Kk| 340 152 122 152 131 107 127 157 144 130 116 2312 K2| 163 99 128 107 86 106 153 113 96 95 2104 MG| 110 117 103 91 119 205 113 97 110 1816 Ny| 278 274 279 244 174 266 228 236 2878 Oe| 401 328 389 238 437 374 366 4033 Ow| 338 335 226 377 328 318 3704 On| 285 174 317 274 273 3171 Yj| 244 434 367 442 3917 Wf| 239 206 230 2988 Ws| 423 410 4134 Wz| 359 3616 Ys| 3738 Number of 2-station scans: 0 Number of 3-station scans: 228 Number of 4-station scans: 145 Number of 5-station scans: 84 Number of 6-station scans: 74 Number of 7-station scans: 61 Number of 8-station scans: 69 Number of 9-station scans: 67 Number of 10-station scans: 73 Number of 11-station scans: 60 Number of 12-station scans: 61 Number of 13-station scans: 35 Number of 14-station scans: 19 Number of 15-station scans: 1 Number of 16-station scans: 0 Number of 17-station scans: 0 Total number of scans: 977 Total number of obs: 24304 Total integrated obs-time: 2786965 Average obs-time: 114.7 Histogram of observation durations Dur: 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 #Obs: | 5278| 1989| 2307| 1951| 1589| 1622| 1636| 1373| 1213| 906| 730| 635| 567| 660| 378| 315| 310| 845| Average X-band SNRs by baseline | Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ys AVG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ft| 57 77 31 39 41 44 43 39 42 44 52 69 58 64 90 162 68 Gs| 52 42 105 56 138 132 56 127 132 62 197 186 187 107 190 130 Hh| 78 47 - - 41 50 51 56 71 85 53 83 117 212 86 Ho| 76 67 59 44 60 51 58 57 48 59 66 89 117 67 Is| 82 204 97 64 134 137 60 148 106 185 100 136 117 Kk| 97 54 52 39 41 48 52 53 54 76 119 66 K2| 138 52 102 102 48 137 129 136 77 118 114 MG| 42 85 81 41 128 119 124 69 116 95 Ny| 62 66 84 83 55 86 122 198 81 Oe| 199 86 245 135 295 150 226 155 Ow| 91 249 140 295 152 236 157 On| 120 66 127 187 296 111 Yj| 209 376 212 345 209 Wf| 201 114 207 135 Ws| 223 345 218 Wz| 490 182 Ys| 262 Average S-band SNRs by baseline | Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ys AVG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ft| 27 34 17 19 30 20 20 21 111 21 23 131 22 35 36 31 45 Gs| 30 22 86 50 94 78 32 491 94 31 526 100 145 45 40 141 Hh| 34 29 - - 23 28 159 31 35 180 25 53 54 45 66 Ho| 37 53 28 20 27 116 25 23 92 21 32 30 23 40 Is| 66 125 66 36 538 100 31 458 68 153 46 33 136 Kk| 68 39 48 198 39 42 185 38 55 54 44 69 K2| 77 28 398 77 25 371 72 108 32 26 104 MG| 23 316 60 21 331 59 91 27 23 87 Ny| 174 33 37 168 25 50 50 41 61 Oe| 654 191 3236 405 1106 303 233 698 Ow| 37 587 76 199 56 44 182 On| 191 25 58 60 47 69 Yj| 439 1026 317 258 692 Wf| 121 38 34 118 Ws| 94 74 302 Wz| 74 109 Ys| 91 =========================================================== Recording mode Name Code GEOSX SX Recording mode for: FORTLEZA GGAO12M HARTRAO HOBART26 ISHIOKA KOKEE KOKEE12M MACGO12M NYALES20 ONSA13NE ONSA13SW ONSALA60 RAEGYEB WESTFORD WETTZ13S WETTZELL YEBES40M Mode Tot.Rate #Chan Chan.BW Tot.BW #BBC #bits Tracks*(fan) Tot.tracks Barrel Mk341:1 512 Mbps 16 8 Mhz 128 Mhz 14 2 32*(1) 32 NONE X-band spanned bw= 720.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.4 MHz S-band spanned bw= 140.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 50.9 MHz Effective number of 1-bit channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 19.13 11.48 30.61 =========================================================== Minor Options EndScan Abs 0.25 NumObs Abs 0.53 SkyCov Abs 0.20 StatWt Abs 3.00 =========================================================== Major Options Subnet FtGsHhHoIsKkK2MGNyOeOwOnYjWfWsWzYs SkyCov Yes AllBlGood Yes MaxAngle 180.00 MinAngle 2.00 MinBetween 20 MinSunDist 4.00 MaxSlewTime 600 TimeWindow 1.00 MinSubNetSize 3 NumSubNet 1 Best 30 FillIn Yes FillMinSub 3 FillMinTime 20 FillBest 100 Add_ps 0.0 SNRWts Yes SplitTwins No =========================================================== Weighted Station 1 FORTLEZA 3.00 3 HARTRAO 3.00 4 HOBART26 3.00 =========================================================== SNR Targets Minimum SNR by baseline for multi-baseline scans X-band (margin 0) S-band (margin 0) X-band (ast_margin 0) S-band (ast_margin 0) Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Ft Gs Hh Ho Is Kk K2 MG Ny Oe Ow On Yj Wf Ws Wz Gs 20 Gs 15 Hh 20 20 Hh 15 15 Ho 20 20 20 Ho 15 15 15 Is 20 20 20 20 Is 15 15 15 15 Kk 20 20 20 20 20 Kk 15 15 15 15 15 K2 20 20 20 20 20 20 K2 15 15 15 15 15 15 MG 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 MG 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Ny 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ny 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Oe 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Oe 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Ow 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ow 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 On 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 On 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Yj 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Yj 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Wf 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Wf 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Ws 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ws 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Wz 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Wz 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Ys 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ys 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15