
Paper on ICRF3 published in A&A

What a nice Christmas present: the paper on the ICRF3 is finally published in A&A: . Wien is very happy and honored to have been part of this great achievement! @IVS_OOC @tu_wien

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IVS Newsletter online

Do not miss the December 2020 issue of the IVS Newsletter! @IVS_OOC It features the Celestial Reference Frame with great interviews by “CRF veterans”. It also introduces the joint Operation Center by Wettzell, Zürich, and Wien. 

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Saying goodbye to Matthias

Matthias will leave TU Wien with the end of September 2020, starting at ETH Zürich (Space Geodesy group of Benedikt Soja) on October 1. Matthias, it was a pleasure having you at TU Wien, we wish Laura and you all the best for the future, and we are looking forward to a close co-operation between […]

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Welcome Frederic at TU Wien

We are very glad to have a new member in the Vienna VLBI group: Frederic Jaron. He is an experienced VLBI-ler with a background in astrophysics and interest in a wide variety of VLBI topics. Among other topics, he will look into source structure effects in VGOS observations.

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VieVS Days 2020 held as Webinar

This year’s edition of the VieVS Days was held online as webinar from September 14 to 15. While the first day was devoted to the VLBI module of the Vienna VLBI and Satellite Software (VieVS) with lectures by Helene on single session analysis and Sigrid on global solutions, Matthias focused on the scheduling package VieSched++ […]

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Benedikt Soja from ETH Zürich visiting TU Wien

While visiting his family in Vienna, Benedikt Soja stopped by for a chat at TU Wien. He also took the chance and talked to Matthias Schartner who will start in Benedikt’s group on space geodesy at ETH Zürich on October 1, 2020. Definitely, a close co-operation between our groups is guaranteed.

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VieVS YouTube tutorials online

Finally, we found some time to record new videos for our VieVS YouTube channel. In these videos, all aspects of the VieVS VLBI module are discussed and examples are shown. This covers all major features of the VieVS VLBI software, including: session analysis (fixing clock breaks, removing stations, eliminating outliers…) 24-hour sessions intensive sessions investigating […]

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VieSched++ V1.0 released

Many new features and enhancements over the last months made me decide to finally close the beta status of VieSched++ and go for a full release of VieSched++ as version 1.0. VieSched++ is already widely used to schedule various observing programs, such as INT2, INT3, INT9, OHG, T2, AUA, CRDS, CRF, parts of EUVGOS, the […]

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Vienna VLBI group participates in EGU Sharing Geoscience Online

While the physical general assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna in the first week in May 2020 was cancelled for the COVID19 pandemic, an event called Sharing Geoscience Onine (SGO) was organized instead. In the mostly text-chat-based sessions, we had several contributions. You can find the displays on EGUSphere and in the […]

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